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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Horoscopes can be so smart...

First of all, waiting in my inbox when I got home was my weekly romance outlook. I'm guessing 12:35 Sunday morning is as early as you can get in the week, right...

Your nerves might be jangled early in the week, Gemini, which isn't ideal for relationships. But, you should calm down by Thursday and find the style and grace that makes you so attractive to others. Be cool then and you're likely to warm up the desires of an admirer.

Be cool. Easier said than done. But if it makes me even more desirable, I'm on board.

This was my regular horoscope waiting for me when I got home. Needless to say, it fits right in with the day I had. I'm soooo tempted to blog about it now, but my benadryl is starting to kick in. The uncomfortable itch on my face (and inside my mouth -- how does the inside of your mouth itch?!?) is not subsiding; it's just making me drowsy.

But mentally think about my horoscope when you are reading up the post I cook up tomorrow.

Whether your computer fights back, you run into scheduling conflicts, or have mechanical problems with your car, today one thing is likely: obstacles will slow you down. It may not even be an external situation; you could just have difficulty expressing your needs. Try not to let reality get the best of you. A calm and steady demeanor will increase your chances of overcoming whatever gets in your way.

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