Does anybody read these?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

She's almost too cute to be afraid of...

This is Precious Kitty. When my brother and I lived together, he found her in a snow bank and brought her home. She's always liked him more than me, so when I came back to Ohio she stayed with him. Before she tried to kill me, I toyed with the idea of taking her to Nashville. She really is a good cat most of the time. Unfortunately, I can't get past the intense pain and the gashes in my head. If she will be my friend again, I may take her to the vet and get her declawed and then she can go. We will see. Now that I'm not having a roommate, it'd be nice to have someone to watch TV with me.

Isn't she adorable, though? It kind of reminds me of the time one of my crazy friends said "The Devil wrapped in candy wrappers is still the Devil." (She was actually talking about Harry Potter, but I thought it made sense. To describe Precious, not Harry Potter.)

4 comment(s):

Ok she doesn't look like a demon cat, I think I would have he declawed and take her with you.

By Blogger Unknown, at 3/16/2006 9:16 AM  

OHHHH I don't know about the cat....are his eyes glowing or is that from the flash? Sure it's from the flash.....

Just kidding I love all cats...even demonic in nature ones. We could try an exorcism in the form of declawing and a "snip snip" <----not sure if you know who might be take some of the fight out.

By Blogger one4JC, at 3/16/2006 5:41 PM  

It's a little bit of both on the eyes there.

She's already been "fixed," because she tried to kill me before she had that done too.

I hadn't thought of an exorcism. I'll call the priest ASAP.

By Blogger Laura, at 3/16/2006 6:54 PM  

Brianna votes that you take the cat too she wants to play with her.

By Blogger Unknown, at 3/18/2006 10:11 AM  

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