Celebrity Rant Alert!!!!
OK, I just read this article:Pitt seeking to adopt Jolie's children.
Can I scream now? Seriously, can I scream? Because THIS is asinine. Ridiculous. Are y'all serious? Please? (I said this was a rant!)
First of all, Brad and Angelina, last time I checked, you weren't married. Maybe I'm the most old-fashioned person in all of America, but I think that married people should have babies. OK, maybe you'd like to have a longer courtship before you get married, and that's been hard because, you know, Brad was married most of the time you've been dating. (Separated is still married, folks.) OK, you fell in love and Brad got a divorce and now you're doing the right thing. That's fine. We all make mistakes.
But when it comes to marriage and kids, celebrities seem to make more mistakes than most. Or maybe we just notice because you're all in the papers all the time. Because unlike when my friend was adopted by the man who raised her, it makes the news when y'all decide to do that. I'm just thinking about Kenny and Renee, Nick and Jessica and the countless couples who've come before then. Oh heck, I almost forgot Brad and Jen, who I believe were just officially divorced a few months ago.
Brad, raise Angelina's kids like they were you're own. But when you adopt them, it's a lot harder to undo. And, for some unknown reason, I just see undoing in your future. And it really has nothing to do with Angelina's track record of meeting guys who are engaged/married to someone else and pursuing them until she has them and then leaving them when another good thing comes along. Really, it doesn't.
Maybe I'm a cynic. I know it's not really my place to have an opinion, but you do put yourself in the public eye. You like it when you get $10 million to spend a few months when you make a movie. I really do want to believe they have what it takes to make it. I wish them all the best. Good luck and God speed.
4 comment(s):
Ok I am with you on the adoption issue 100%. AND I'm glad someone else agrees with me that separated IS STILL MARRIED! You can't date or otherwise have "relations" with someone else until the papers are signed. Even then it's not such a great idea until you look at what went wrong in that relationship first. If we do not learn from our mistakes we are doomed to repeat them.
one4JC, at
12/04/2005 5:24 PM
Woooo-hoooo, someone who agrees with me! Because honestly, if I'd read ONE MORE post called "Yay, Brad Pitt's going to be a daddy" on the Internet I was going to jump into my computer and kill someone!!!
And as for your commentary about marriage, I know you know more about than I do, but I wish people weren't so flippant with their vows and when folks get out of any relationship they should look at why and try to improve...
Laura, at
12/04/2005 6:05 PM
Oh I am totally with you on taking those vows lightly! When you stand before God and everyone else it should mean something! I never intended to get a divorce. I still don't want to BUT that whole "faithfulness issue" keeps coming up. I refuse to believe that anyone should stay married to someone who constantly commits adultery (affair sound too fun...let's call it what it is!) I personally at this point never see myself getting married again but that is up to God :o)
one4JC, at
12/04/2005 7:16 PM
Trust in the Lord and he'll take care of you and show you what's next in His plan for you...
Laura, at
12/04/2005 7:22 PM
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