OK, well this sucks
Apparently the laptop has crashed. It seems that all of my data is still on the hard drive somewhere, but in my effort to restore Windows (which seemed to be working for a little bit) I have rendered it a $1400 paperweight for the time being. I have a call in to my supergeek cousin and I have my fingers crossed that he might be able to salvage my personal photos from my digital camera and my resume if nothing else.I know. I know. I should back up more often. But my little laptop has been trusty and has only been giving me fits for the past few days. This morning I was thinking that I should back up my hard drive on the new CDs I bought and then reformat it. And now that I'm OK with Firefox, remove IE because I'm pretty sure that it's the devil. And before I could take care of these things, IE (it's the devil) froze up while I was responding on a message board. And then when I tried to reboot, I couldn't. Not even in safe mode. So, I took the advice of my friendly tech support guy and reset it with a paperclip and that got me back in where it appears that my hard drive is intact, even though I can't actually get to the data. Allegedly there is a way to restore Windows without erasing your data. Unfortunately if that doesn't work, it DOES erase your Windows and the only way you can fix it yourself without erasing everything is to call your supergeek cousin to see if he can salvage the data on your hard drive. Fingers crossed.
But who knows how long that'll take. And my trusty laptop is out of commission for the time being. So, I'm sneaking on my mom's desktop while she's not home. If you are looking for me, do not fear, I'll be back as soon as I can. If he thinks he can't get the data off the hard drive, it'll be tomorrow because I'll just cry a little, suck it up and restore windows obliterating all my memories, files and pictures of the yellow-haired boy. The worst casualty will probably be all my Kappa Phi files, but I think I have PDFs floating around here somewhere of the newsletters, at least. If he can get the data off, I guess I'll get it back after that happens.
But there's no IMing on mom's computer or anything like that. So, I already feel totally out of the loop. I'm going to go cry again. I'm hoping that my call to my cousin is returned soon.
I did find a hard copy of the resume I had before I came to my current job, as I am supposed to be job-hunting this evening. If I have to, I will use it to help me start from scratch. Of course, my kick-ass objective that Cindy wrote for me a few months ago is off in Lala Land with no way to replace it (and I HATE writing objectives). Sometimes life kicks you in the balls after it's already knocked you on the ground, eh?
1 comment(s):
I still have it, I think, will look and see if you still want it. Know how you feel about losing all your shit, been there, done that and cursed every step of the way.
Anonymous, at
12/04/2005 4:00 PM
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