Do all of my fellow bloggers have a little set of folks who stop by and read their blogs but never say a word? I know who about 90% of my lurkers are. And I suspect that they don't leave comments for a few reasons:They like to leave anonymous comments, and I delete them because I don't publish comments if I don't know where they are coming from. I might not know who you are, but it's my blog and if you're going to talk smack about me, I'm not publishing it. Duh. Well, not for meanness' sake, anyway. If you have something valuable to say and it happens to be negative to me, I'll publish it. I've done that. Just because I have comment moderation doesn't mean I wouldn't publish them. If they want to give me a real name and say something more valuable than "You're a bad person and you know what you did!" then I would let y'all read it.
Maybe folks are still bitter that I make fun of spelling errors. Typos are one thing; we all get busy and make them. Not knowing how to spell is something different. And I do sometimes make fun of spelling. If you attack someone well-versed in grammar and don't have a good grasp of the English language yourself, chances are that person will call you out. And I did apologize later when I realized that was mean...
What could they say really?
I thought about doing a tribute to my lurkers. Those hidden foot soldiers of the blog world. They drive your stats up, and never get any of the glory. What would I do, though? I thought about giving them the recognition they deserve, perhaps with little blurbs about them and what I suspect brings them here. I even have some pictures I could share. That'd be so nice. I'm shocked they're content to stay in the shadows, because they sure do like attention most other times.
I've also toyed with the idea of a 24-hour comment free-for-all, where I take the comment moderation off and see what pearls of wisdom they might have for us. But then I realize there's NOTHING stopping them from leaving comments now, so they must not have anything to say. All we'd get was spam in the comments again... And besides, if they really had something to say, my e-mail address hasn't changed...
4 comment(s):
I too have a little group of people who read regularly but never leave a comment. The only thing is that I have no idea who they are. I have various people from different states but I know no one who lives there.
Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.
PS Please feel free to spell check this as I am still not feeling well and this post could be all jibberish for all I know...The puking is over though...I think.
one4JC, at
2/16/2006 6:13 PM
It was fine, One4JC, and illness is always a good excuse. God knows I write some crazy shit when I'm sick...
Laura, at
2/16/2006 6:25 PM
Yes I am a lurker. I don't even know how I found your blog. It must have been through a Chesney connection though. My daughter and I are big fans. We'll be second row in Grand Rapids this year. Last year we had Sand Bar, and the year before front row. We've been pretty lucky. Anyway the reason for the comment. I would never do or say anything negative about YOUR LIFE, YOUR BLOG. They are YOURS, and other than the interesting entertainment (you might say reality show), its YOURS and far be it from me to comment on how you live YOUR life. Take care. I love the blog and I'm looking forward to reading about the cruise!
Anonymous, at
2/17/2006 4:18 PM
OK, see, that's really cool. That was one of the lurkers I wasn't positive who it was, but I figured it was just one of my friends from MI. Turns out it's a Chesney fan who ended up here and keeps reading. That's really cool! I bought some great GR tickets myself, but unfortunately they were for a friend. That was the day I had to LIVE on pre-sale and I helped her out why she had to take her son to the doctor. Unfortunately, I am not going on the cruise; just too short notice for me to pull together that kind of $$$!!! Maybe we'll see you somewhere in the sun?
Laura, at
2/17/2006 4:27 PM
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