OK, I need the advice of my loyal readers. I know you all have good heads on your shoulders, so I'm hoping you can help.I think I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had made a sizable pledge for my work's annual fundraiser and I never received a thank you for my contribution and was a little cheesed off by that. I knew at the time that my job was not a sure thing by any stretch of the imagination, and I really put some thought into it. I selected payroll deduction as my payment option, figuring that when I left I'd just ask them to bill me. But I always had the intention of paying off the pledge. If I didn't believe in the organization I wouldn't have ever worked there. And God knows they need all the money they can get.
However, I'd hoped I'd be leaving on my terms. ALTHOUGH just because I don't have the money to pay until I have a new job, that's not to say I couldn't still pay it off, especially if I did it monthly or quarterly.
I have toyed with the idea of dropping my boss an email telling her that I figured she probably didn't acknowledgement my financial commitment to the organization because she thought she'd never see the funds, but to please bill me and I will pay when I am able, although obviously it will not be immediately, seeing that I'm unemployed and all.
But, another part of me is a bit jaded and displeased with how they manage their finances. Part of me wonders if they deserve my pledge. That part of me doesn't want to say a word and just forget that I pledged the money in the first place.
However, I have an overwhelming urge to prove everyone wrong, and I feel like they expect me not to pay the pledge off. I wouldn't have made it if I didn't plan to pay it, that's not my style...
Frankly, the lack of thanks or acknowledgement of the contribution really rubbed me the wrong way. Part of me wants to say something because NO ONE will EVER have success with fundraising if folks are treated that way...
Any thoughts? Should I pay it? Should I draw attention to my hurt feelings as a donor? Should I just cut my losses and run?
2 comment(s):
I would continue with the pledge if you felt that it was going to be put toward doing some good for someone. I know it wasn't a lot but every little bit helps. However, regardless of you being an employee or not they should have aknowledged your donation. Afterall, how many fellow employess made a donation?
Unknown, at
12/20/2005 8:46 AM
I personally am shocked that you consider me as one of those people with a good head on my shoulders... well maybe you weren't talking to me but I'll give you my opinion anyway :o)
I would call it to their attention how you felt treated as a contributor because they need to learn how to "schmooze" and honor people who are helping them with the big green dollar.
As to paying it off...ask yourself a few questions:
A) Am I throwing water into a sinking ship? Will they use it wisely or are they squandering it away?
B) Are you considering paying it off because you want the last word? Check your intentions?
Then again it could just be a mood swing on my part.
one4JC, at
12/20/2005 3:54 PM
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