Just a little check-in...
I stayed up way too late last night and got a lot accomplished. Still a lot to do, but I'll get some of it done today and this evening. I was drained and slept from before 5 p.m. until after 9 p.m. last night and then couldn't sleep until 3 a.m. I got lots done, though, including finishing up the design for the fan club tour cups that everyone's been begging for. Everyone who's seen it so far thinks it's very cool. I'm excited about that.First off, I'm having another busted give a damn day. Seeing lots of those in my future. Have periods of sadness, then anger, then sheer stupidity. Oh well, running the gamut here...
Secondly, I got to work and had a message from a corporate recruiter who'd like to interview me for a few jobs they're filling. I am not always 100% sure on the whole corporate recruiter gig, but I looked around their web site and saw a few things that might be a good fit. So, fingers crossed if that's where I need to be.
I know Nashville is where I need to be. I got a sign of confirmation yesterday. Actually a few. Yesterday's readings at church helped. I know I'm not the Virgin Mary, but let's look at her. An unwed teenager. An angel comes to her and tells her she's pregnant with the savior of the world. Very big deal. And she was probably scared to death. I'd have been. And she said yes. The least I can do is pack up and go to a strange city with one of my best friends and no job. And honestly, I think once I am hitting the pavement there, I'll have no trouble at all. I'm not worried. It is all in God's hand.
The second sign is my VERY FIRST PR client. Last night I was talking to a friend who lives down that way and I asked her if she wanted to visit me in Nashville. And then we got on the discussion of what I do for a living and she asked me if I was interested in a client. Apparently she's got an album that she's trying to push and is trying to break into Nashville. I never knew that about her. So, she can't afford to pay me at this point, but it's definitely going to help me break into Nashville and get both our names out there. I'm excited. Folks, I am living my dream. So even though it's scary, thank you God for pushing me out of the nest. This just might work!
OK, one more funny story then I'm going to go do some work! So, I work well at night. Mornings suck. At 10 p.m., I am just getting going. Consequently, I do lots of work by email. People don't like when you call them at 2 a.m. with an epiphany. Well, Friday night after I talked to Kayla I looked at some houses online and jotted off emails to realtors. I saw one I liked and it was in our price range so I told the realtor that I'd like more details and we were going to be down in a few weeks to find a place and get stuff in order. I am pretty familiar with Nashville and I didn't think it was an area where we wouldn't want to live.
The realtor replies (this is the Clif's notes version) that if we were in town we should drive by the neighborhood and if we still wanted to rent there to call her cell and she'd meet us. OK, glowing endorsement. No wonder she can't get anyone in there!
1 comment(s):
Yeah! You're first client and job leads. You will find a place to hang your hat that is a perfect fit.
Unknown, at
12/19/2005 1:03 PM
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