So odd...
I never thought in 20 million years that I'd have a whole bunch of new visitors who did a google search on the word "adultery." Now, that is something I never would've thought of googling. Do you think that people realize that all their google searches are tracked? They should. It's been all over the news that the government is trying to make Google tell them what people are googling. You know, for homeland security purposes. Regardless, I keep saying that one day I am going to start saving all the sitemeter info because it would make one helluva post. There are times when I look and think "WTF?"; times when it's absolutely hilarious; and other times when it's a little sad and/or creepy. But sitemeter might be just as addicting as blogging, and I am not sure that is a good thing.Oh well. Google on, everybody!!!!
2 comment(s):
My husband started logging his site meter infromation on a table he created "just for fun" ugh - too much teadious work for me. It was interesting though . . . especially the referral listing.
WAY too much time on his hands.
Sheri, at
1/24/2006 12:25 PM
Yes, he does have way too much time on his hands. But it's nice to look, think "that's interesting," and move on.
I will say the sitemeter was nice when I had my troll issues a few months ago. The Internet is only so anonymous, you know?
Laura, at
1/24/2006 2:00 PM
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