The South Dakota Debate
I wasn't going to post about the whole South Dakota abortion debate. I wasn't going to say a word about this desperate plea by crazy-ass right-wingers to erode our rights by deliberately challenging Roe vs. Wade. It makes me a little scared, but didn't we all see it coming? I really hope it doesn't turn out the way that I think it will, but I have spent the last 6 years living in this country and nothing surprises me anymore. Politicians are quite fond of asking the simple question, "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?" I don't really know anyone who can say yes. And if they do say yes, it's because they are somehow convinced that it's OK for their rights to be eroded. It protects us from Al Quaeda and all the other bad terrorists. And it doesn't make Jesus cry.Or does it? I am Catholic, and as a Catholic I am pro-life. But I am also pro-rights. It's not my place to make decisions for you (although everyone who's ever asked me about abortion, I have encouraged them to find another option and prayed that they would find the right answer in their heart. I shared my beliefs; I just didn't force them on others). I also don't believe in the death penalty. Since South Dakota is obviously soooo pro-life, I looked into that. Well, I'm sure that capital punishment will be the next law to get repealed there, right? Of course not. Silly Laura. Everyone knows that innocent babies' lives are worth lots more than convicted killers. (That's sarcasm, if you were confused.)
I also don't believe that being pro-life ends when the baby is brought into the world. It pisses me off beyond belief that people who claim to be pro-life do not think we need a safety net of social programs. Sure, a crack addict who already has 4 kids at home shouldn't have an abortion, but she'd better not ask for money to help pay the hospital bills; for healthcare, childcare and food for her children; or for rehab. Oh no, that's not part of the deal. So, let's think about quality of life for a minute. Is it less moral to have a medical procedure to end a pregnancy you didn't want or is it less moral to have a baby you have no resources or intentions of raising? Is it worse to have an abortion or dump your newly born child in a trash can behind Kmart?
Our problem is so much bigger than abortion, and I don't understand why folks refuse to admit this. And I'd love to say abortion is truly a moral and/or religious issue, but if it were, then why not repeal the death penalty too. Murder is murder, right?
This isn't a religious issue. And if it is, it's fundies vs. everyone else. It's not mainstream religion. These are the same people who don't believe in other basic human rights. Honestly, I keep waiting for them to make it illegal for African Americans to vote again. Although if you ask some of the folks my brother worked with in inner-city Toledo in November 2004, they'd tell you that's already happened.
2 comment(s):
As a proud South Dakotan I feel my only option is to reply to this post. As you could tell from last night I was rather pissed after talking to you about this. I know that blogging is all about telling us your opinion of things and I'm all about our first amendments rights but I also believe in being very educated in something before I open my mouth and from what I gathered from talking to you last night you are not very up on your South Dakota facts. When doing your research of the death penalty did you check on a date of our last execution? In the post you stated that you don't like to push your beliefs on others but you will state your opinion. Well, in my opinion this was not very tastefully done.
Anonymous, at
2/27/2006 3:13 PM
Kay, I wish you'd said something to me. This has NOTHING to do with South Dakota except that someone realized that it'd be the perfect state to pass this law so the whole country could overturn Roe v. Wade. I did do plenty of research, and South Dakota isn't like Texas which likes to grill prisoners on a consistent basis. In fact, there hasn't been an execution since 1976, and there are only 4 prisoners on death row. Surprisingly, they are all white. It doesn't seem like South Dakota believes in the death penalty, but then why have the law? If this had been any state in the union, it would've been the same comments. It has nothing to do with South Dakota except they pulled the short straw. If you look you'll see that 90% of politicians who claim to be pro-life are for the death penalty. THAT was my point. And that's not my opinion. Life is life and I think every man in America without a uterus forgets that.
It wasn't a slam on South Dakota. And trust me I've done lots research on this subject. Yeah, perhaps I should've said that they hadn't executed anyone in 30 years, but frankly it's just having the law on the books that sends the message. Much like a law banning all abortions.
I would think that you know me well enough by now that you would know that I believe in protecting people's rights at all costs. Don't take it personally, I get my dander up about any rules that violate the Bill of Rights, regardless of which state they come from.
I hope that clears up my position. And you should know by now that you can talk to me when you have a problem. Not that I've been well enough to have a political debate lately, but I wish you'd said something to me when we were talking. I know you're proud to be from South Dakota, and as much as I joke with you about it, I admire you for that. This wasn't a dig on you or anyone that lives there. It was just my feelings on a very bad piece of legislation that will ultimately affect not only South Dakotans but every woman in America.
Laura, at
2/27/2006 4:05 PM
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