Sorry for being boring today...
I haven't really been boring. I've had a great day. But to everyone who reads my blog, I'll bet I've seemed boring.I got up this morning and putted around the house. I debated making oatmeal but never did. I finally hopped in the shower and did my hair (since I'm making an effort not to "waste" a perfectly good hairstyle by being lazy and never doing it.) I made a tanning appointment and then threw on my workout clothes. And, let me tell you, I am still not sure about my shoes not matching all my workout outfits, but they really are great shoes.
It was a nice day (although no sunshine) so I hit the outdoor track again. I got a very challenging workout in, although I'm thinking that I shouldn't go after school anymore, because there are three boys who've been down at the park everyday, and I think they are up to no good. I don't want to end up being a witness to something I don't need to see.
After I walked I headed back to the salon to go tanning. It wasn't bad at all. I didn't realize how far those tanning beds closed up, so I did feel a tad bit claustrophobic, but so far no bad reaction to it. I did like the light though, that did seem to relax me and help with my mood.
I went to the grocery store and grabbed a few things, including some pita chips and hummous. Now, I have never had pita chips before, so my friend Toma got a bizarre voice mail asking her if she knew if pita chips were OK for me to eat. I've been doing so well with my diet, and I am finicky with my food again. I read the label and they seemed ok, but I thought since she's a vegertarian she might know. They generally love hummous. But no return call, so I just bought them and had a little snack on the way home. I am always starved after I work out.
So, yes the diet is going well. I came home and made a healthy dinner that I really enjoyed. I also did about 18000 (OK, it probably just felt like 18000) crunches before I settled in for the night. I curled up in bed with the laptop and worked on my book. It is starting to get good so I am loving writing it because while the story had a particular inspiration, it's definitely a work of fiction. So I never know exactly where I will take it as I put it down on paper. I'll have to change a lot more of it if I ever decided to try to shop around with it, but its only purpose these days is to give me an outlet for my creative energy and give my friends something to keep them amused. I am starting to get comfortable with the story, and I think that it might just turn out to be something half-way decent. And honestly, I'm just doing it to see if I can truly write fiction, and it looks like I can. Who knew?
Last, but not least, is the photo of the day. This one arrived in my inbox from a friend who's very homesick right now. Who can blame her, really?!?

2 comment(s):
In case you have not figured it out; life is never boring with you.
Unknown, at
2/23/2006 9:22 AM
Pita chips and hummus....MASHISOYO (That's Korean for 'delicious'). Pita chips are fine, just watch your sodium. I have found that things that are low cal/low fat are fine, but if they're high in sodium THAT is what jacks up your whole program. Too much sodium, in my opinion, retains sooo much in your system. I even use fake salt at my house. People get mad, but then I tell them to stay somewhere else.
Daddy arrives at 1830 today, I can't wait! A WHOLE WEEKEND just father/daughter. I bet we haven't done that since I was 15....
He won't mind fake salt. He's a total health nut.
Keep up the good work, LJ...I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!
Love you!! xxoo
TanteToma, at
2/23/2006 9:29 AM
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