Loserville (pop. 1) City Council Minutes...
So, the Loserville City Council convened this evening, and here are the minutes from that meeting.Present was I, the mayor and president pro-tem of the Loserville City Council. (Because the population is ONE, I get to be everything.)
Because of a freak tanning accident, it hurts to wear pants. It is now 7 p.m. and I am in my PJs and seriously contemplating going to bed. I am also covered in aloe, in case you wanted to know. All of this makes me grumpy.
I have never been able to tan. I burn quickly, but then after about a day of excruciating pain I have a healthy glow. Everyone all my life has said if I tanned this wouldn't happen. And frankly, the tanning bed really improves my mood. And I still have plenty of time to not be a very bright pink color by next week. I am just thinking that it'd be best to miss tomorrow's appointment. And, of course, because my legs never get color, they are the only part of me that isn't burned. I will never in a million years understand how my legs do not get tan at all. They are very white legs.
Needless to say there aren't many opportunities for St. Patty's day merriment when you are wearing a night shirt and covered in aloe, so I think I might call it an early night. My bedroom light is burned out, and of course you don't realize this until you go to turn the light on for the evening. So, I am thinking that maybe I will be like the Amish and go to bed at 8 p.m. and wake up with the sunshine. That way everything I should be doing this evening can be done with the extra time tomorrow.
Loserville also entered into an exciting new business partnership today. Yesterday at the video store, we realized that we were spending way too much money on movies. We looked at various vendors and realized that Blockbuster.com seemed like the way to go, so we have them on a two-week trial basis to see if we like it. What appealed to me about Blockbuster.com was that every week in my email I get a coupon I can use at my local Blockbuster store. It's pretty much worthless now, but once I move it will be very handy. It just makes no sense for me to drive to the video store when it's 14 miles away. By the time I get there and back, it's really driven up the cost of movies. And pay-per-view is nice, but I can only watch what they have on at the time. And there is the added benefit of listening to my dad bitch when his cable bill is $4 higher!
So, anyhow, that is my exciting Friday night. And yes, I know I'm not really a loser, but let's face it, you hardly think winner when you think of people who burn themselves in the tanning bed and go to bed at 8 p.m. on the biggest party night of the year.
And besides, I did make a mean shrimp scampi for dinner tonight. I just need to find a man who loves food and woo him with my cooking. If that happens, I seriously doubt there will be any bitching on those nights when bedtime is at 8 p.m.
I guess I should probably rest up this weekend anyhow since the NON-STOP FUN starts Wednesday!!!!!
3 comment(s):
Population 2....I didn't go out either!
one4JC, at
3/17/2006 8:20 PM
Did Beau take mom out? (And doesn't it irk you a little when mom has a better social life than you do?) What about Big Sis? I told her that you'd probably watch the munchkin if she wanted to go. (Don't you love me volunteering you?)
Laura, at
3/17/2006 9:05 PM
I guess you can include me in the looserville count. Went to bed early, not even sure what time it was but I know it was early.
Unknown, at
3/18/2006 10:10 AM
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