Did anyone hear...
... About this pervy Congressman from Florida? Wow. I'm not writing this from a political scientist's perspective. (Although think two words: train wreck.) I'm writing this as a voter, as an American. Contrary to popular belief, it's not about the right or the left. If the Democrats had done the same thing, I'd be equally pissed off. (Maybe more so, because this is going to damage the whole party.)I don't care if you are Republican, Democrat, male, female, gay, straight, etc. No U.S. Congressman has the right to put the moves on high school pages -- regardless of which gender they are. From what I understand, this young man was not even his page. I can't even imagine what would make one of our nation's top lawmakers decide it was a good idea to try to seduce a high school boy across the Internet. It's just so disgusting I can't think.
I remember when I worked in the House. There was a joke:
Q. Why don't Congressmen need bookmarks?
A. Because they just bend over the Pages.
It was tacky then, and it's really tacky to think someone actually did it. And don't y'all wonder what else they've covered up? Because essentially this guy is a child predator, maybe a child molester, and everyone in the House knew and they just didn't want to lose his Congressional seat so they swept it under the rug. What else has been swept under the rug? I don't really even want to think about it.
If I were going to go on my political rant, I'd speculate that it's just the attitude of this administration. They want to win at any cost -- and have. American public be damned! That's EXACTLY what we need in representative government, isn't it?
Lastly, I'm sure some of you are at home comparing this to the Clinton thing. Saying that Democrats tried to cover that up for him and ultimately he got off for what he did.
Let's rewind for a minute. Bill Clinton was an adult. As was Monica Lewinsky. Yes, they probably should not have had sex. Yes, they probably should not have had sex while she was a White House intern. In the White House. And he was married. That was bad. And lying about it was bad. But why did he lie? Because he was married and had an affair? If someone knew should they have told Hillary? Well, sure, that'd be the nice thing to do. But did all of America need to know? Probably not. Look at FDR, JFK, etc. They all had affairs and we didn't know. Hell, America didn't even know how sick either of them was until long after they'd died. I'm not saying that the President or any elected official should lie. I'm just saying there's a very big difference between having consensual sex with a grown-up than there is sending pervy emails to a child. So, let's just compare apples to apples, OK?
2 comment(s):
Saying that Democrats tried to cover that up for him and ultimately he got off for what he did.~ No pun intended there?
one4JC, at
10/03/2006 3:08 PM
Yeah, I thought that after I wrote it. Oh well...
Laura, at
10/03/2006 8:48 PM
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