If Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off...
...then rum makes her laugh her ass off like a crazy person!!!! I've been drinking heavily boys and girls, so nothing too insightful this evening. Not much to report anyway. I arrived safely in Indiana, ate some good pizza, drank some (by some I mean a half of a fifth) vanilla rum and diet root beer and had a mystery guest, who while she was quite funny interrupted my grand plans to watch DVDs with that cute little blond guy all night long. And hell no, I don't mean Keith "I need a haircut" Urban. I'm sure he's a good person, I just wouldn't do him.But really I'm not a crazy person. Contrary to the word on the street. I'm just fun and lots of people love me. Even if I can't spell when I'm not using a laptop and can barely see the screen. Yay, rum!
I think that's it for now. I've got lots on the agenda for my weekend of birthday fun, so if I slack off for a while don't call the search party. I've got a few emails that came in this afternoon while I was working my ass off at work (I do that sometimes) and I might not get to them until Sunday. Don't panic; I still love you. I'll be back as soon as I can. Honest.
Oh, here's a thought for the day. Sometimes Key Lime Pie really is just key lime pie. And it's still yummy.
Song of the day is Heaven by Uncle Kracker. I can't print all the lyrics here, because I'm sure I signed something with blogger.com saying I wouldn't drop the f-bomb in every sentence on my blog...The refrain is "If heaven ain't a lot like Detroit/I don't wanna go/If heaven ain't a lot like Detroit/I'd just as soon stay home/If they ain't got no Eight Mile/Like they do up in the D/Just send me to hell or Salt Lake City/It'd be about the same to me. Then Kid Rock raps. Thus the onslaught of f-bombs. Love those guys. Makes me homesick.
I had a quote of the day, but I'm just not sure I'm drunk enough to actually subject all my "faithful readers" to it. Carry on, folks. Big Hugs.
7 comment(s):
Guess you will have to save the Yellow Haired Boy adventures for another day. Nice to hear you are having a good time. Definitely needed to get away from the stress for a few days. Have a good weekend, don't drink too much rum. Oh,and have a drink for me please.
Anonymous, at
10/29/2005 10:33 AM
Always game with yellow-haired boy adventures. None planned today, so maybe next week. Or maybe the week after. You never know with me! Ha ha.
I'm confused. Do you want me to drink for you or not drink too much?!?! Miss you terribly, but Amy and I are having a blast!!!
Laura, at
10/29/2005 3:35 PM
Drink which ever amount you like. I took your advice and while I was out and about this weekend buying costumes for the kids and picked up a bottle of Vanilla Cruzan and some Diet Root Beer. It really is yummy. Oh and I have discovered that I can drink Simply Orange, orange juice without having a reaction. The Simply Orange and Pineapple Cruzan was yummy too!
Anonymous, at
10/31/2005 10:20 AM
Oh good, because I drank plenty for both of us. And it was yummy!!! I'm glad I've recovered.
As an FYI Mango Rum is also very good with orange juice!
Laura, at
10/31/2005 11:08 AM
Yes, I have had many bottles of Mango Rum. I really think that one is my favorite so far. I even like the Mango with Diet Coke.
Anonymous, at
10/31/2005 11:11 PM
Mango and diet coke?!? I guess I'll try anything once, but right now it's not sounding too great!
Laura, at
11/01/2005 8:06 AM
Sounds weird but it is good.
Anonymous, at
11/02/2005 5:04 PM
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