The Half-marathon
I have been promising a list of training resources for the half-marathon, and I haven't posted them yet. I am getting back into the swing of things tomorrow, since it's the first day I've been able to breathe in over a week. I am feeling much better now. And besides, I accidentally saw what my butt looks like in jeans in the mirror in the church bathroom, and I have got to work out.Last year I walked with Team In Training for the Detroit Free Press Half-marathon. The TNT program is pretty rigorous and you usually have to raise a lot of money (most of it does go to charity) to participate. However, their coaches and training materials are great. Luckily I still have my book from last year. However I found an online training guide for a different race, and I figured I'd share it.
This is a good web site. Pretty detailed 12-week training plan.
This is a great PDF file of a training schedule.
I hadn't ever seen this site before, but you can sign up for a daily training e-mail.
Hal Higdon is pretty much an expert when it comes to competitive walking and running. Here's the link to Hal's training guides.
Last, but not least, is a site I couldn't have made it without last year. This is probably the most comprehensive walking guide on the Internet, and they email you weekly training emails that are great.
There are also TONS of great books that I haven't read because there are so many free resources on the 'Net. But if you do a Yahoo search for "half-marathon walking training" you will find all kinds of other great stuff.
2 comment(s):
Laura, thanks for the compliment for my site! Keep moving!
Wendy, at
10/29/2005 8:31 AM
Wendy, I LOVE your site. I wouldn't have made it last fall without your training emails. Time to re-subscribe because I've got to get my butt off the couch and start walking again!!!! When I was training last year, I didn't buy shoes, a pedometer or even a Power Bar without reading what you had to say about it. Keep up the great work!!!!
Laura, at
10/30/2005 9:44 AM
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