So, I didn't get to post last night...
I've been so busy getting ready for Thanksgiving that I didn't get to post last night. Not too much to say, but I figured I'd say a little bit before I put up my celebratory Turkey Day post. It just doesn't seem appropriate to recap life's events there.I took a break from cleaning to watch Kenny's special. It wasn't bad, but it was crazy here (like dad ran the vacuum during it) so I'll watch the tape another day. It definitely wasn't the same as being in the same arena with the man (or more importantly for me, the yellow-haired boy), but it was fun. I am sure there were plenty of folks who tuned in last night who weren't fans and will be duking it out with the rest of us for tickets next year.
Of course, seeing him with a wedding ring again was interesting since he didn't have on when I saw him two weeks ago, or at all since September for that matter. I wished I'd gone to the Pittsburgh show because he looked great. I can't remember why I missed that one, but I can't imagine whatever I was doing was more important.
The reason I mentioned the wedding ring was because that country radio DJ Lia that I don't particularly like anyhow was talking about Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban and how it looks like they are getting married. Of course, as far as all of us know they've only been going out for a few months (although I suspect it was under wraps for a while before they were spotted together -- it always is with celebrities), so of course no one wants them to pull a "Kenny and Renee." Yeah, we were all thinking it, but I can't believe Lia said it. She made a comment about both of them wanting to start a family right away, and I'm sure that our reigning Entertainer of the Year has plenty of time to accommodate that since he's not playing nearly as many venues or selling as many seats as Kenny. But now that Katie Holmes is pregnant, I'm trying to figure this all out. I figured one of the Kidman/Cruise folks had to have an issue or they wouldn't have adopted their kids. Looks like Tom isn't shooting blanks, but now Nicole's looking to make babies of her own. It gets weirder everyday. On the plus side, at least I'm not particularly fond of Nicole OR Keith. It sucks when your favorite singer marries your favorite actress and then she turns out to be an evil shrew (although you secretly suspected she was all along), because you just HAVE to take sides. There won't be any sides in this Urban-Kidman thing although I do like her a tad bit more than him.
Lastly, here is my thought of the day: You have way too many clothes when your dresser and closet are full and you've still got two loads in the laundry room. Where did I accumulate all of this?
3 comment(s):
I suspect,and I am sure that your mom would agree, you accumulated all those extra clothes from all of the extra shows you went to where you needed something new and impressive to wear for the Yellow Haired Boy. Don't worry, we love you anyway.
Anonymous, at
11/25/2005 8:13 PM
I have to tend to agree with Rosalie on this one LJ...but I also am guilty of this LOL...only now i go t impress a "guy who works for Kenny" as well as the man himself! Love ya...Gretchen
Anonymous, at
11/26/2005 1:10 AM
OK, Gretchen, who are you dressing to impress? I already told you the night we met that I'd arm wrestle you for the Yellow Haired Boy. LOL.
I'm not trying to impress Kenny. There are 19,999 other women in the arena who do that. And who knows now that he's single, maybe one of them will succeed... :-)
Laura, at
11/26/2005 8:53 AM
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