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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

In the news...

I have had lots of stuff to blog about, and I've totally forgotten most of it since I had a busted give a damn again yesterday, so I'll hit the high points for the past few days.

First of all, A Charlie Brown Christmas turned 40 yesterday. Does anyone else feel very old? And, whoever said Christmas doesn't start until they watch this show was right. I love it!

Secondly, while I was napping the Catholic Church decided to abandon the teaching of limbo. I was telling our parish priest last night at our church Christmas party that I didn't even know we still had limbo. I do remember when I was younger that people prayed for the babies in limbo, but I guess I'd forgotten about it. I don't think God is vengeful, so I am sure the unborn and unbaptized babies are in heaven.

A federal air marshal killed a passenger (and U.S. citizen) today.
This story reminded me of a deaf man with a rake who was shot by Detroit police a few years ago while his mother yelled at the police that he was deaf and couldn't hear their orders and was frightened. This man was mentally ill and and had missed his meds. He told the flight personnel in Miami there was a bomb in his carry-on and ran off the plane onto the tarmac. He acted erratically and the air marshal shot him while his wife begged them not to and explained that he just needed his meds. I've never been the biggest fan of the TSA, but this makes me ashamed to be an American, much like lots of things that have happened in this country since Sept. 11, 2001. And just one last thought? How does the TSA figure that bombs and/or explosives are the biggest threat. Last I checked, Sept. 11 was 4 planes hijacked by passengers with box cutters. Must be like how we invaded Iraq because of Al Quaeda.

Terri Schiavo's husband has started a political action committee. This PAC, called TerriPAC, will challenge candidates based on where they stand on government's reach into citizens' private lives. I am not going to go off on a rant on this topic. I commend Michael Shiavo for taking a stand on this issue, as I hope any of us would if the government basically fought us on our wishes (which broke no laws). Also, get a living will if you don't have one. Make your wishes known while you still can.

I stumbled upon this first-person account of a Hurricane Katrina survivor and his family, and I am hooked on his dispatches from the front. If you have time, I encourage you to check these articles out. He is an amazing writer and it really puts everything in perspective. I can't wait for a new installment to come out so I can check in on this man I do not know, but feel like I do.

That's a lot of doom and gloom for today, so a little more light-hearted news. Nicole Richie has ditched her fiance. At least she didn't wait until after she got married. Good job, Nicole. Although don't ya wonder if she had to call of her engagement because Paris did?!?

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