Not really church humor, but it'll be funny...
Tonight we have mass for the Immaculate Conception feast day. No one else from choir appears to be coming. So, they've entrusted me to not only sing all of the songs (one of which is in Latin and I do not know Latin) but to run the programmable organ all by myself. I'm on my way there now because I'm pretty sure I've forgotten how to operate it since Sunday and might need a refresher course.So, if everyone could say a little prayer that I make it through the next hour of my life it'd be much appreciated. How many people will be there anyhow? It's the only evening mass for both of the churches in our parish and a holy day of obligation, which basically is the Vatican's nice way of saying "Go to mass or go to hell." God help us all.
1 comment(s):
I don't think God and/or Rome really thinks everyone else is going to hell. I was just a little hostile that everyone bailed on me. I'm gonna have a whole post on the sordid affair! It was blogworthy!!!
Laura, at
12/07/2005 7:06 PM
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