We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming...
I know that I wrote a pretty heady post last night and that most of you come here for humor, but we're gonna take a break from funnies right now.I know a lot of my loyal readers are people who love God and pray frequently. And right now, I need to ask you for all the prayers you can spare.
My cousin Rusty got married a few years ago to a great girl named Heidi. Since they got married, they'd been trying to have a baby and were not able to on their own. So they scrimped and saved until they got $15,000 for in-vitro fertilization. Last summer, Heidi found out that two little babies were on the way. Everything was going great until a few weeks ago. An ultrasound revealed that one of the babies was having trouble, and they didn't think they could operate on the sick baby without hurting both babies. They don't have another $15,000 and they were only able to save one extra embryo after the IVF. Basically, all their eggs are in this basket.
It was too early to have the babies when the trouble started. They were too little. However, a few weeks later, which would've been a week ago today, Heidi went into labor on her own. She and Rusty were the proud parents of a little boy and a little girl. Both babies were born alive, and while they're little, they are blessings from God.
However, after a few days, they realized the little girl, Raelyn, was going to have to have that surgery she needed. So even though she weighs less than 3 pounds, she had her surgery.
She was doing well, but she took a turn for the worse last night. They aren't sure she's going to make it. I think the only option we have at this point is to pray. This little girl needs a miracle and every prayer we can spare.
I also worry about the little boy, Reestyn. (I hope I am not butchering their names here.) I can't imagine being a twin if my little twin sister didn't make it. I would think that could be psychologically damaging. And poor Heidi and Rusty, God gave them this little miracle and I hope she is not taken away. And I'm not sure the little boy's particularly healthy, I know he's very small too. They were very early. He weighs over 3 pounds, but that's not big at all for a baby.
We're all on pins and needles and worried about this little girl. I just hope that those of you who pray, will join us and say a few extra prayers for our whole family. If you don't pray, please just send warm and fuzzy thoughts to whoever your higher power is.
2 comment(s):
You know I will....
one4JC, at
3/03/2006 9:16 PM
Coming from a mom that is heartbreaking, they will all be in my thoughts.
Unknown, at
3/04/2006 11:42 AM
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