Not a single post for Wednesday...
It was a busy day. I actually had to leave the house for the first time in five days. And this cold has really hampered my creativity. My brain isn't working just right. I'm not very sharp. I just want to sneeze, eat popsicles and sleep mostly. I did have a little "real" food today, though. (Well, yesterday now, really...)Anyhoo, not much to report. Church went well. I felt really close to God today, and that's good. Lent's a time for spiritual renewal, and I'm very much looking forward to that. I need to nourish my soul a little more, spend some more time with God.
Let's see. Anything else? Well, I thought my good friend Amy's friend Tammy (still following?) didn't like me, but she invited me to her wedding. That's kind of exciting. I think it'll be fun. If nothing else, I will be there to offer moral support to poor Amy, who at this point is a very frazzled Maid of Honor. Although it could be a real challenge missing that much Sunday School, especially during Lent. I'll have to really plan ahead, won't I?
Remind me tomorrow I want to blog about Tom Monahan. And perhaps I should blog about whether or not the word "blog" is a verb. Or if it even is a word. Hmmmm... somedays I hate being a grammarian. OK, that's totally the cold meds talking there! Whoa, Nelly!
Not sure I'll be around too much tomorrow either. My friend Matt is here from Detroit and I think it's my turn to entertain him. I also have a follow-up at the eye doctor to make the final decision on my contacts and I need to see if I can get back to the tanning bed and work out sometime soon!
Lastly, one more picture from the cruisers' paradise. OK, so I'm glad I'm not there, but really I don't know if I can make it 3 more weeks before I see the boys again. I could become unbearable at some point, so I hope all my friends really understand what they've signed up for. Oh, and Toma, many apologies for the direction of today's chat. I'm a woman possessed, I tell ya!

1 comment(s):
No apology necessary....come on! I told you from the beginning; we are separated at birth (by 3 years), and I'm IN!!! I ain't goin' ANYWHERE. I love sharing this adventure with you, LJ. You often mistake me for a girl who doesn't look in the mirror. So many times when we talk, I just shake my head and go, "Yup....that's me."
What a blessing that is.
Glad you're feeling better. And I can now read a webpage in English, vs. Japanese, thanks to you.
Love you!!
TanteToma, at
3/02/2006 10:46 AM
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