Call off the hounds! I'm alive!!!
Hello boys and girls,I was just wondering: Are you still technically a writer if you NEVER have time to write?
That's how I've been feeling lately. Between job interviews and getting settled and having lots of out-of-town guests, I seem like I am running in slow motion. There's so much to do that I very rarely just feel the urge to sit down and write. That's hard for me; I'm usually always writing. I think I'm going to have to be much more disciplined about it. My blogs are both way behind. I'm forgetting witty observations throughout the day because I just haven't been sitting down to type them out. I have folks begging for the next chapter of my little "book."
But it's just nice to be able to sit in the living room, drink wine and shoot the shit with my roommates, you know?
I love going out everyday and running 2 miles in my neighborhood. My liberal friends would love it. Lamar Alexander lives at the end of my street and Bill Frist lives just a few houses down from him. (The dogs who live here like to pee on Lamar's mailbox. But you didn't hear it from me. Yay for Democrat dogs!) Luckily they tell me that the last fine Senator from the Great State of Tennessee, Vice President Gore, lives just a stone's throw away as well. I'd say between Al and Tipper and me and my roommates we balance out the political viewpoint here in the neighborhood.
Nothing much else to report, I don't think. In just about two weeks a whole bunch of my friends will converge onto the Music City to see TBWYH. Oh wait. I'm going to see TBWYH; they are going to see his boss. But you got me, right? Of course, there are massive amounts of folks from KennyLand who are also coming to town, and where there is KennyLand, there is drama. Luckily there is also rum where there is KennyLand.
Ooops, almost forgot job updates. I've had some great interviews and some great feedback, but no offers yet. I have a few great things still on the table and still quite a few leads. I had a good interview today and got invited back for a second interview on July 5. The only problem? It's a group interview, and those suck. I'm thinking if I get that position that I could really have a plan. I will keep you posted.
Just keep praying. I really am starting to get a little nervous, and I'm hoping that I can find something very soon.
4 comment(s):
Well, he did it .
The KC turned me around. I am really quite surprised how fond I am of his music. It's a pleasant surprise. I had been listening to a compilation CD that someone made, and I was enjoying it. But then, Robert brought me home "The Road and the Radio" and I am sold.
In fact last night in the bathtub Harrison says, "Mommy watch this." And begins playing air-guitar and singing ". . . a hillbilly rockstar out of control . .. " I about lost it!
Sheri, at
6/22/2006 10:45 AM
I told you he would! Isn't that a phenomenal CD? I love it. Probably his best work yet.
That would've been priceless to see.
Laura, at
6/22/2006 11:25 AM
Robert is fine by the way . . . and I definitely need to get Harrison to do that on video and post it :)
Sheri, at
6/22/2006 2:20 PM
Watch out, though. Did you see that the RIAA is cracking down on kids doing spoof videos and posting them on YouTube. You don't want your little one to get a cease & desist order.
Laura, at
6/22/2006 2:43 PM
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