Post-pourri part ????
I don't even know where we left off last, so I'll just fill in the blanks the best I can.I had a bit of a blast from the past earlier this week, and I didn't get as caught up as I would've liked because it was quarter bowling night and I had plans. I like plans. Especially since my days of "plans" officially end next week. I can't talk about that too much or I will cry. And crying sucks. I just really do not have any clue how I'm supposed to function when I go back to how life was two months ago.
As for the blast from the past ... It was interesting. I don't trust anyone these days, but I didn't have much to say. Nothing people didn't already know anyhow. I'd be curious to hear more about it, but I've been too busy to check in again. I'm just not sure what the point is anyhow. The past is all done.
What else happened this week? Oh, this part I love. I bought decorations for my office. That's a huge deal for me because I never even thought about settling in at the last place. I plan to take advantage of what I hope is a slow week this week by getting my office all decorated. I was on deadline last week, which pretty much meant writing and editing all week. But I LOVE it. I'm exactly where I need to be in life, and it's about time. Crystal and I were talking about that the other day. I think when you hit 30, you just have to decide to be a grown-up and figure it all out and stick to what you love. I know that's what I tried to do as I was job-hunting. I knew I didn't get certain jobs because they weren't the right fit. So, now I have a job where I'm going to put photos in frames and put them on my desk! I just might stay a while. Yay!
I also bought my Christmas present to myself last night. It will surprise no one when I say what I got. A friend called me last night to ask me to bid on his mom's Christmas present on ebay for him while he was still at work. So, I did. And when I was finished I decided to see if there were any good deals on ipods. My computer geek friend told me if I could find a 20 gig ipod with no problems for under $120 that I should get it. So I did. Yay, Christmas for me. Screw everyone else!! Just kidding. No one panic about that.
I got another Christmas present this week too, a beautiful pair of earrings. I told my mom all I want is the bed linens she's supposedly planned to buy me for months. Then I'll paint my bedroom too.
I was going to write more, but it'll have to wait for a different day. Sorry about that!
2 comment(s):
Oh, Andrea, I don't know how to choose. You are definitely my friend, and you're defiitely a computer geek, too. However, I don't think that you're a homely cow. Then again, I don't think I'm one either.
(But if you'd like a list of people who DO make the cut, I'll get that to you!)
Laura, at
11/21/2006 7:03 AM
Can she and I have a geek off?
Unknown, at
11/21/2006 5:39 PM
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