I'm itching to rant ...
... but too tired to care anymore.I can't wait to go home and go to bed. I'm sick and grumpy and I just want this day to be over.
So, I can start over with new shit tomorrow.
There's so much to cry about, yet I know that none of it is worth any tears. Not stupid boys (and/or their psuedo girlfriends), not asshole friends, not know-it-all bitches ... none of it.
It just gets old putting in more effort than everyone else. I guess that's what I get for being a nice person, although as much as I try to be a bitch it just never works out for me.
Kelly suggested that I just go off on a customer to get fired from the Land of Misfit Toys. Do you know how many times I've wanted to? I just don't have the heart to do it.
I always follow the rules. I always play a very conservative hand. Hell, if I were one for breaking the rules maybe I wouldn't be bitching about stupid boys and psuedo girlfriends right now. (And in a related side note, probably wouldn't be bitching the Land of Misfit Toys, either.)
If you'll forgive me, I'm off to straighten the door mat on my back. I'll try to get back later, but frankly this mini-rant has helped significantly.
2 comment(s):
I feel very much the same way as you. I have always tried to play by the rules. It seems like I put in more effort than most. And I am always straightening the door mat on my back as well.
Daisy, at
2/07/2007 6:39 PM
I'm glad it is not just me. I was beginning to think that I was genetically flawed or something.
Laura, at
2/07/2007 6:42 PM
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