More food for thought...
I just read this article on binge-eating disorder being the most popular eating disorder, being twice as prevalent as anorexia and bullimia. Sometimes it's nice to know that you're validated. It's nice to know that you're not crazy when you have something like this. Addictions suck, people. Whether it's gambling, food, booze, whatever you're addicted to -- it sucks. It sucks even more when you can't quit cold-turkey. Imagine something that you need to live (food) being in a position where it can kill you. Imagine having to take the "one day at a time" philosophy with eating. Imagine worrying about the candy dish on your desk or if you ate too much at lunch. Imagine second-guessing every morsel of food you put in your mouth.Anyhow, I've discussed this topic a lot here. And why not? It's a big part of my life. I guess reading things like this let me know that I was justified in the things that I said when people made light of my illness. And really, what is the point of having a blog if you're not educating ignorant people?
I'm not perfect. I'm not anywhere near being recovered. But I think everyone who's trying promises that they'll do their best to make sure that others don't suffer. So maybe this will help someone. And if it doesn't, that's OK too, because I think it gives you a little more insight into who I am.
Study: Binging a common eating disorder By JESSE HARLAN ALDERMAN, Associated Press Writer
Thu Feb 1, 2:43 AM ET
Frequent binge eating is the country's most common eating disorder, far outpacing the better-known diet problems of anorexia and bulimia, according to a national survey.
Psychiatric researchers at Harvard University Medical School and its affiliate, McLean Psychiatric Hospital, have billed the study as the first national census of eating disorders. The results were published Thursday in the medical journal Biological Psychiatry.
The survey found that 3.5 percent of women and 2 percent of men suffer from binge eating, defined as bouts of uncontrolled eating, well past the point of being full, that occur at least twice a week.
The doctors diagnosed fewer than 1 percent of women and 0.3 percent of men with anorexia, a disorder where an exaggerated fear of weight gain causes undereating and malnourishment. The study determined that 1.5 percent of women and 0.5 percent of men had bulimia, characterized by the "binge-purge" syndrome of overeating followed by vomiting.
McLean Hospital's Dr. Harrison Pope, an author of the study, said binge eaters face severe risk of obesity and related diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke and certain cancers.
A binge eater, for instance, might eat a full dinner, then a quart of ice cream for dessert, followed by a bag of chips, without being able to stop, Pope said.
"It's a little bit analogous to something you hear from an alcoholic, when they might say, 'Well, I wanted to have one drink,' and they've had 12 drinks and they're passed out on the floor," he said in a conference call with reporters. "Even though they feel full, even though they feel disgusting and guilty, they can't stop."
Dr. James I. Hudson, the study's lead author and a Harvard Medical School psychiatry professor, said binge eating deserves more recognition from health professionals.
"These results argue that binge eating is common. It's more common than both the other eating disorders combined and it's strongly associated with obesity," he said. "Taken together, these findings suggest that this is an eating disorder and should be treated as such."
Funding for the study came from several sources, including the National Institutes of Health, Eli Lilly & Co. and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Hudson said the research team interviewed more than 9,000 people nationwide from 2001 to 2003 about their eating habits and psychological backgrounds. The study probably underestimates the actual number of those with eating disorders, he said, because people are often ashamed to acknowledge their abnormal eating habits.
The survey also found that people struggle longer with binge eating — symptoms persist for an average of about eight years compared to less than two years for anorexic patients, who are often young and may recover as they mature. Bulimics suffer without cure for an average of roughly eight years, according to the study.
Men and women between the ages of 18 and 29 were most likely to be diagnosed with an eating disorder, while people older than 60 had the lowest rates of eating problems. The doctors said all three illnesses usually coincided with mood disorders like depression and anxiety.
A combination of the "cultural barrage" of images of rail-thin movie stars, ubiquitous fast-food advertising and genetic predisposition is usually the root of eating disorders, the study said.
Dr. B. Timothy Walsh, director of the eating disorders research unit at the New York State Psychiatric Hospital at Columbia University Medical Center, said the study confirms a widespread belief that the population of binge eaters is growing. He said if binge eating is a cause of obesity, psychiatrists could give more effective treatment to many overweight people.
"Everyone has a sense, whether from a casual inspection of people on Broadway or an empirical study, that there are a lot of problems with binge eating and overeating," he said. "The question is, is it a cause or a symptom?"
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1 comment(s):
I feel you.
I (personally) am addicted to sugar that way. If I start. I .do.not. stop.
Unknown, at
2/01/2007 1:21 PM
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