Everywhere We Go, Kenny Chesney
It's a little odd to do a review for a CD that's 6 years old. It's no surprise to any of my regular readers that I'm a big fan of Mr. Chesney and have been for many years. I've always liked his music, but I think Everywhere We Go will always have a special place in my heart because it was the CD where I got hooked on the balding 37-year-old in the tight t-shirt from East Tennessee. This CD also reminds me of one of the best summers of my life. It was the soundtrack for some awesome roadtrips the summer after I graduated from college. Kenny went all over Tennessee with us (and rightly so). Kenny serenaded us as we drove all the way across Michigan to see Copper Country, the Tunnel of Trees, Legs Inn in Cross Village and countless other places. I'll never forget laughing at "How Loretta Feels." I'll never forget any of the trips from that summer. You never knew what adventures we'd end up embarking on or where we'd end up before the night was over.So, Everywhere We Go (how appropriately named!) is a little stroll down memory lane every time I listen. But it's more than that. I still think it's Kenny's best CD. There's not a song I don't like. I love them all. Just when you think he couldn't do better than the track you're listening to, the next one comes on and it's better. I wish there were more than 11 tracks on this CD, because I just can't believe Kenny could've gone wrong, and it seems too short. Whenever I put this CD in my stereo I fall in love with every song all over again.
I am very pleased with Kenny's success over the last few years and proud of him for all of his hard work, but at the same time I feel like the newer fans are missing out. I still love Kenny and the more I hear from his new CD, the more excited I get, but it's just not the same. This CD is a lot more Kenny from East Tennessee and a lot less of the Caribbean Cowboy thing he's had going on the last few CDs. Don't get me wrong, I understand that's who he is now and I think it's great that his music reflects that. I can see how someone would be inspired by the beauty of the Virgin Islands to write the songs that he has there. I just miss the innocence and enthusiasm that Kenny had when he was still trying to work his way to the top. Now that he's at the top, he's different, unreachable, bigger than life. It's not his fault, but when I'm craving nostalgia and want to go back to the summer of 1999 and all the awesome things going on in my life back then, I pop this CD in, roll my car windows down and hit the highway.
3 comment(s):
I am right there with you Laura. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS cd. I was listening to this cd today in the car while going to pick up my sick boy Kyle. The one song on this cd that I just love, and most don't,is Kiss Me,Kiss Me,Kiss Me. I am not sure why but it is my favorite on the cd.
Anonymous, at
10/31/2005 11:19 PM
I love that song too!!!! It's not my favorite (that'd be "A Woman Knows"), but I love it. It was on my mp3 player for a long time, and when I was doing the track I'd always walk my best lap to that song!
Laura, at
11/01/2005 8:07 AM
You are probably the only other person that I have found that likes that song. I can understand about the lap thing. Hard to sit still when listening to that song.
Anonymous, at
11/02/2005 5:03 PM
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