Irish people are fun...
...especially when we get our drink on. I guess I shouldn't lie. I'm not completely Irish. I'm 1/2 Irish, I think and it could be a little Scottish in there too. I always just tell people I'm mostly British. LOL. Anyhow, the Irish are fond of getting drunk and being clever. And you get things like this (and some really great limericks!):
My aunt, who loves all things Irish, got a little plaque that said this and I loved it. Sometimes there isn't anything else to say.
2 comment(s):
Glad to see you got over Billy Bob's death!
Mr. Morris
Ask Morris
Morris, at
10/23/2005 10:55 PM
OMG, Billy Bob died! Agghhhh!!!! What am I going to do?!?!?
No seriously, I have no freaking idea what that's all about.
Laura, at
10/23/2005 11:49 PM
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