Some things you can't take back...
On his 72 and Sunny CD, Uncle Kracker sings a song called "Some things you can't take back." I love that song, but today it ran through my head 20 million times. I was cordial today. I tried to be on my best behavior so I didn't act like an idiot. I had a little tiny bit of Jim Beam in my Diet Pepsi, but I didn't even come close to drinking myself into oblivion, but maybe I should've. I think we were both civil, but that's about it. I caught myself staring a few times. Thoughts of the past darted in and out of my mind a few times, and I'd remember that you can't take things back. I learned enormously from everything that happened. It was so long ago I'm sure no one else even remembers. It didn't matter in the grand scheme of things back then and it doesn't matter now. And it surely doesn't affect life as we know it today. I have no idea how his life is going, but he seems happy. I am pretty sure he has a good job and I know he bought a new house in the last few years. I guess my point is that life goes on. People change. They move on. When God closes one door, another opens. And even if you wish you could, some things you can't take back. But you know what? I'm pretty sure it doesn't even matter. But it was very nice to catch up with some old friends today, even though it was such a long day. It was a nice wedding, but I really hope that everyone understands that I am going to Vegas if I get married and not dealing with all the fuss. After all, I once read on a very hot man's ass that all you need is love.
Speaking of things that you can't take back, I've had a bit of a rant in the forefront of my mind for a few days. I am trying to figure out if I just need to write it and get it out of my system or if I need to write it and post it. If it's meant for everyone to see, it will be here soon enough. The same set of thoughts keep rolling in and out of my head and I think it'd be very good to talk about them, but I don't want to offend anyone. I've never been particularly worried about tempering my thoughts before, so I'm not sure what it's all about right now. And to think some people think I always speak before I think.

I saw this shirt the other day, and I must own it:

I just think it's very funny. So sue me.
8 comment(s):
OK Laura I have to admit that is one fine ass you posted there. Goes right along with the rest of the body. I am lovin' the shirt. That is too funny!!!!!!!!! Hmmm, wonder who that could describe?
Anonymous, at
11/28/2005 12:21 AM
I don't live in a trailer park either but love the shirt. That is true. Lovin' "Mr. Hot Ass", we may need to put that on a shirt for next year. All picture posts are appreciated by me and all the rest of the red blooded women who come here I am sure.
Anonymous, at
11/28/2005 9:32 AM
Well, based on my site stats, lots of Mr. Hot Ass' fans come to visit here. I don't know if I could wear that on a t-shirt, as I wouldn't want to make anyone else jealous, but we'll get one for you...
Laura, at
11/28/2005 9:41 AM
Ooops, I forgot this part. Living in a trailer is not a bad thing. Some of my dearest friends and family live in mobile homes. I just have serious issues with the "trailer trash" attitude, which, I'd like to point out, is not limited to those who actually live in trailers. You can live in a very nice house or in an apartment and still act "trailer trash-y."
Laura, at
11/28/2005 9:43 AM
That is true. There is nothing wrong with living in a trailer. They are becoming more and more common these days. I am not sure I could see me at a concert or anywhere else for that matter with a shirt like that but I am sure we could make a killing on a shirt with his ass on it and, "It is all about the Hot Ass" with it. Hey that may be a good idea. We could probably fund our Kenny shows this year with the proceeds.
Anonymous, at
11/28/2005 9:46 AM
Did I ever tell you about the shirts I designed for College Democrats? Those said "ass." We made a lot of money. Hmmmmm...gears turning.
Laura, at
11/28/2005 9:50 AM
I am thinking we may be on to something I am sure there are a few people that would purchase them all we need is one of our own pictures of just that ass and we are good to go. We could attend lots of shows featuring the ass and the yellow haired boy and it wouldn't cost anything.
Anonymous, at
11/28/2005 9:58 AM
Would just like to point out that the yellow-haired boy is not an ass...unless you try to touch the other ass mentioned here, and then you will see his mean side.
Laura, at
11/28/2005 10:07 AM
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