My little corner of the world where I ramble about life and a whole lotta nothing. When I started I wondered if folks read this stuff, and it turns out they do. I think that's pretty freaking cool...Grab a beer, pull up a chair and take a peek into my world. celebrate not losing every picture ever taken with my digital camera, here is my favorite picture from the whole concert season this summer...(And many thanks to my partner-in-crime, Miss Gretchen!!!)
2 comment(s):
Lovin' the boys from East Tennessee, damn they have some good looking men. The one is the back well not from there but we will forgive him.
Unknown, at
12/04/2005 11:51 PM
Their leader's not too bad too. Do I have to bribe people with his picture again?
And there's not much the yellow-haired boy can't get away with when it comes to me. I'm such a goner...
Laura, at
12/05/2005 12:06 AM
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