A world without Macs?! :-(
I love Apple Computer. Best company ever. (OK, maybe just in my top 5, but it's up there!) My sturdy Performa I bought in college kicked every Windows-based machine's ass. I used it until the end of 2003 when I got my Dell. And by January 2005 the Dell was full of viruses (Mr. P NEVER had those.) The viruses erased Dell's Windows. Went to Circuit City and got AMAZING deal on my little Compaq laptop. I still wish I had a Mac, but they are SOOOOO expensive compared to Windows PCs. True they are better quality, run faster, are less susceptible to viruses and last longer, but they are more expensive. And we've already determined that I'm an instant gratification kinda gal.This article made me sad:
Apple Moving Away from Macs?
The iPod is a great invention. I love them. Everyone loves them. Mac users and PC users alike. Everyone loves the iPod. It's fantastic. And it's about time for everyone to appreciate the great things Apple invents. But please don't get rid of the Mac. Because God knows that I'd like to get enough money to end my dependence on Bill Gates and his company. I miss my Mac. These viruses and this inferior hardware makes me cry. This OS bogs down and crashes constantly. My Mac had better days at 7 years old than the laptop has had at 7 months old. Yes, I do love my laptop. She's gone across America with me. I've emailed concert photos 30 minutes after a show. I've gone to work in Chicago and stayed connected in the airport and at the hotel. I can even chit-chat with you at Starbucks if I want. I love her. She's very handy, but if she were an iBook, she'd kick ass about 20 times more than she does. And she surely wouldn't be on her last leg and have me thanking Jesus everyday that I bought the extended warranty.
So, my friends at Apple Computer Company: please keep making Macs. You rock. I love you. And you'd never make me cry. At least not since you discontinued my tangerine iBook.
1 comment(s):
But how much work did you have to do to it? Because I am not a geek at all. It amazes me that I've conquered e-mail and blogger...
Laura, at
12/23/2005 8:21 AM
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