Hello from the dark side...
OK, so I'm taking time out of my busy work day to type this since my computer went to the HP hospital this morning. I hope they don't think I'm insane. It took over a half-page to explain what I needed them to fix. Fingers crossed, folks. But that means I don't know how frequently I'll be posting. They've promised either a fixed computer or new computer will arrive by next Monday. I am just panicked -- even though I've never done anything to my computer but open it up and type and watch movies -- that they will find a way to say that I did something to cause this. I don't know why, I guess just something to worry about.Moral of the story: computer is being fixed. Yay!
In preparation for the computer going away, I sent out all my resumes and cover letters yesterday. I've sent about 15 now, and my friend and mentor Barry tells me you have to send 12 to get one interview. So maybe something will come out of the batch from yesterday. I think it will. I really honed down the list and didn't apply for anything I didn't think I'd do great at. I'm not very good at being mediocre. I also have some really great interview questions to ask of my own. I just need to be smarter about where I go, but let's face it, this job has been better than my old one. I haven't felt the urge to kill myself and/or others once since I got here. That's a major improvement.
Speaking of jobs, let's send some Island Mojo out to my Key West cowboy buddy, Eric, who's off in Houston at Nashville Star auditions this week. It'd be great if he made it to the show. Partly because it'd be nice to have another friend down in NashVegas and also because if he does it's gonna make it a lot easier for us to create the buzz he needs to get a record deal -- whether he wins or not. Let's face it, no one cares now that Miranda Lambert lost out to Buddy Jewell in the first season.
One last note on careers and then we can move on to other fun stuff. This was my horoscope today:
This could be a good time for you in business or at work. You are usually popular, but today others seem to like you even more. You may have had your share of shallow interactions in the past, but now you are likely more interested in relationships that challenge you intellectually. Instead of just trying to be liked, question the purpose of each interaction while seeking deeper meaning in all that you do.
I hope it's not lying. Most of my horoscopes have been a little creepy lately.
I don't want this to end up being a diet and exercise blog. There are lots of them out there, and this has always just been the commentary of my life. However, based on the fact that I realized if I stick with it that I could be all done losing weight by the end of the year, and the fact that I really want to lose 25 pounds before March 23, diet and exercise is going to be a BIG part of my life. I'm also training for a half-marathon right now, so my daily observations might include little notes about what I'm eating, how I'm working out, etc. I figured I'd warn you in case that's not your bag. As of this week, it is very much mine.
On that note, I didn't manage to eat all my points yesterday. I'm not too worried about it. Maybe I was counting them wrong? Anyhow, I know I measured out my food and did a good job. And I went to the gym and managed to do two miles. I'd have done more but I accidentally packed two different shoes and it wasn't very comfortable. My body wanted to do more but I didn't want to cause damage by wearing bad shoes. I don't think that any of you heard about my footwear mishaps when I was training for the Detroit Free Press Marathon, but needless to say I am very finicky when it comes to footwear. Surprisingly, though, I didn't get all nervous about what others would think about my mismatched shoes. Because the only rule I really have about working out is that my workout clothes have to match. I know it's an odd rule, but I get so distressed by the clothes some folks wear at the gym. As much as I love Mr. Chesney, I'll have to admit that his workout attire really upsets me. Aside from the stalker-like characteristics of watching him play basketball at the shows, part of me never does it because of his outfits. I just want to hop over the barricade and put him on the bus and give him a fashion makeover. I wasn't going to mention this because I didn't have an example for you, but lo and behold, lookie what someone just sent me in my e-mail:

(No, I'm not really sad that the yellow-haired boy is cut out of this pic. Well, he looks so young anyhow. And you CAN see half of him -- that's better than nothing, right?!) My guess is if you could see Kenneth's shoes they'd be black, making it worse. I know it's the gym, but still. Matching is important. And he's not the only person who doesn't see the need to match at the gym. But I am going to match. Except for my shoes last night. But I wore my long yoga pants (see, being short has SOME benefits) and I don't even think anyone noticed. And both shoes matched my outfit -- Of course! -- they just didn't match each other!
OK, I've got to hop off here and do some work, but I'll leave you with the song of the day. The first time I heard this song was on a special Brad Paisley did on the radio to promote his Mud on the Tires CD. It was not long after he'd gotten married, and he wrote this song for his wife Kim. Speaking of which, I wasn't a huge fan of Brad's before he got married. But he's so sexy and grown-up and his songs he writes now rock. And I think he goes to the gym. He has a wife he loves and she loves him right back and you can see it in everything he does. Anyhow, I bought this CD right when it came out, for the song "Little Moments." I'm not as optimistic as my friends seem to be about ever having a boy write songs about me, but I hope if that ever happens (how many times have I crossed my fingers in this post?!) that they'll be more like this one and less like "Cold and Empty" (which I might mention the yellow-haired boy did help write.)
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