Weekend plans...
So, this morning I get up to finish up the cover letter for this job that I told you all about and I re-read the email from the HR person and realize that I didn't get the entire application. So, I finally got the section that was missing and it suddenly became impossible to get it out quickly before I went to the Title office and BMV to get my new license plates. So, I decide I'll just overnight it on Monday, but luckily someone reminded me that Monday is a federal holiday. And even FedEx, which normally is open on federal holidays, is closed. So, that means I have until noon tomorrow to get it in the mail. No big deal. I am working on it, but I am very glad that re-read that application. I am sure I wouldn't have gotten a second glance if I sent it in with a huge chunk of it missing. However, now that I've reviewed the materials, I think I have a good chance, and I think it'd be a great job.I happened to mention this opportunity to my mother, and she kind of went off about it. I don't know if I mentioned the specifics of the job here, but to sum it up it is a job at the national office of a major religious denomination. It is not my denomination, but it is a mainstream denomination that I have been working with for years. My mom went off about how all Protestants are anti-Catholic, and blah blah blah. Now this is coming from a woman who converted to Catholicism after being a Protestant for years. I will agree with her that there are some folks who are not big fans of Catholics, but the denomination in question is probably the most easy-going, ecumenical denomination of them all. I just thought it was an interesting argument. And, of course, a little surprised that she could find a way to turn me having this great opportunity into another way to disappoint her. Anyone shocked that I haven't told her about getting downsized yet?
I am watching St. Elmo's Fire on TV right now. I have probably seen this movie at least 50 times. It's a classic. Yeah, the 80s were a different time and this movie definitely reflects some of the uniqueness of that generation, but at the same time if you really think about your college peer group, I bet you can identify with this film. And besides, how hot are the guys? When there are four men in a film and Emilio Estevez looks least attractive, that should tell you something. There's just something unsexy about stalking.
Speaking of hot actors from the 80s, you all know how sad I am about Tommy and his craziness. He's so hot. I've loved him since I was 10 years old. And he opens his mouth, and I just shake my head. Sometimes even the most attractive guys can't overcome something like bizarre religious zealousness. I just wonder what happened to Tom. Did you know that he left the seminary to become an actor? He was going to be a priest. Now he's an insane Scientologist. Oh well. Mel Gibson used to be hot. He's crazy for Catholicism, but crazy is crazy. So, I'm sad about Tommy because of this whole Nicole Kidman-Keith Urban thing. Allegedly they are getting married this weekend, although the location's a little fuzzy. If it truly is happening in Australia, I'll bet with the time change the deed is already done. What brought all this on was I was watching CMT today and my mother was really cutting on Keith Urban. I don't think she realized that I didn't like him, but she knows my taste in men well enough that she pointed out that I probably wanted to give him a bath and cut his hair. How funny is that? But when I mentioned about Keith marrying Nicole, she says "That's so sad for her. To go from Tom Cruise to THAT." I pointed out that Tom was nuts and she said that sometimes you just have to plug your ears and look at his hotness. Good point. And when you look at it that way, while I'm sure Keith is a very nice person -- everyone I know who is a fan of his says that -- he's just not hot like Tom Cruise.
I have decided what I am doing for New Year's. I'll warn you, it's not very exciting but I am not a big fan of being on the roads with all the drunks and I live in the middle of nowhere, so no one will come here. But I am going to have the house all to myself, and I really haven't had any "me" time lately, so I'm going to have a spa party. I am in desperate need of a manicure and pedicure and my hair needs to be dyed. So, I'm going to just do all that stuff. And have a bubble bath and maybe drink a little while I watch some movies.
Speaking of spa parties, I got all kinds of great stuff at Bath & Body Works today. I am sooooo addicted to that place. They are having absolutely great sales. I need to remember to tell Amy that the hair detangler I got Cassie hooked on is on sale for $4 a bottle. That is NOT what I paid for it. I got all kinds of great stuff and saved lots of money. The spa line is buy 2, get 2 free. So for less than the price of a manicure, I got all the stuff to do manicures AND pedicures. Plus I got some shower gel and one of those Wallflower air fresheners. It smells like apple cider. Someone told me today that there are at-home spa parties like Tupperware or Longaberger, but I know nothing about it and wouldn't know where to find it. Maybe sometime someone will invite me to one...
Ooooh, I almost forgot! I got the coolest beach bag for my Caribbean adventure. It's been so balmy here at 47 degrees that I haven't posted any pictures lately. Maybe I'll go dig one up!
4 comment(s):
It seems as though Mr. Migraine has vacated your head for the time being.
As far as Protestants go...I don't really care what denomination you are. It is about one's relationship with Jesus that matters.
one4JC, at
12/30/2005 9:30 PM
Mr. Migraine stopped by today. Mr. Execedrin and I chased him out with our magical napping powers. Thank goodness. I need to work on my stress level because the respite between episodes has decreased.
That's kinda my point on religion. I'd much rather work for/with GREAT Christians who are strong in their beliefs than work with lukewarm people who happen to go to my church.
Laura, at
12/30/2005 9:48 PM
OK, I have only been to Ft. Wayne once in my life, but the promise of spa parties is so tempting... Of course, I remember we used to have them when I was in college at our apartment and they were sooo fun.
Laura, at
12/30/2005 9:52 PM
I think we might talk her into the spa thingy it-Chick! Yeah! Do we have to invite MOM?!?
one4JC, at
12/31/2005 9:27 AM
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