Critical system errors..., but surely. Thank goodness HP is sending someone to pick it up Tuesday, because it might not make it. It is on its last leg. It keeps shutting itself off. It gives me a warning first. Tells me some vital file that Windows needs to run is not available. Hopefully I can complete this post because the damn thing just beeped at me. It never beeped at me before the perceived hard drive crash of '05. Which now appears to have just been some type of meltdown due to the fact that the fan works about once a week. I told the guy I've never had a laptop before. I didn't know how often the fan was supposed to work or hot hot it was supposed to get.
Anyhow, it's almost time. I am sure I'll be kinda quiet after Tuesday when they pick it up. They swear it'll only take 6 days. Fingers crossed. One thing's for sure, at least I know that there's nothing I did that could've caused this.
And IT-chick wanted to know why I didn't have a Palm Pilot. I did have one and I loved it. Kept EVERYTHING on it. This was back when I had a Mac at home and there was no Mac software for this lovely little thing. Kept all my data on my computer at work (boss was cool as it was mostly work folk) and then one day I came to work, turned my computer on and it said I had no hard drive (it was also an HP, if you were wondering). And wouldn't you know it, the batteries on the Palm Pilot died that very same day with no warning? I just gave up on the little thing, although I bet if I look around here I can find it in its fancy leather case... Oh well, I'm really grooving with paper these days.
1 comment(s):
OK, now I'm scared...
Laura, at
1/02/2006 8:39 AM
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