I heart the "I heart NY" guy
We all

This article tells of how he came up with the logo, how he's inspired other designers and talks about some of the other -- also highly recognizable, like the Target Stores logo -- designs that he's come up with in his 52 years in Graphic Design.
I know in the just the years that I've been in printing and design that things have changed dramatically. When I first came on the scene in 1992 at the local paper, we were still using light boards, grease pencils and wax. Primarily. There were a few computers, but it was nothing like it is now. The graphic designer used his machine to do some stuff, but most of it was done the "old-fashioned" way. I think of everything that's done on computers now and how regular joes are doing some great stuff with graphics programs and a mouse. You may still not have the creative genius of Milton Glaser, but at least you can make your own Christmas cards, right?
I suck at the design stuff. I get by. That's not true. I've done some really creative page designs, but I am pretty rusty at graphics. When I get the laptop back it'll have some pretty powerful software on it and I think I just need to start practicing. Not that I'll ever come up with anything cool like I heart NY. Although once people realized that it was a road (it looked much cooler in color, but alas screen printers can't do that on plastic cups) , they thought my cup logo was pretty cool.
I just thought this story was interesting, but it might just be because I'm a geek about stuff like that. Oh well, read it if you have the chance.
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