Loving my points...
I am really digging these points. Because unlike diets where you have to keep track of everything and get all panicky about eating the "right" foods, with this if you eat something that's not great for you then you just take the points and when you're out of points you have to stop eating. So if you are having a shitty day for no apparent reason (other than your horoscope warned you that your emotions would get the best of you today) you can have a little piece of chocolate your coworker left on the table and not feel guilty. You're just out 2 points. But if you are having dinner at Subway on your way home and know your points for there, you can plan that out. I know I shouldn't stress eat, but chocolate produces endorphins and I needed a little boost. So does working out, but I really don't think my coworkers wanted to watch me do aerobics in my office for 20 minutes.I added a new blog today. My wonderful beautiful friend Toma has her own little place to keep us up-to-date on her life, and it's in my "Blogs I like" section. Her most recent entry is amazing, just like her. You may not get all of it if you're not privy to her personal life, but her posts are always packed full of inspiration and wisdom, much like my conversation with her today. I love her to bits, and I am so glad to call her my friend...
1 comment(s):
Meeeah! Love you too, LJ! Thanks for the chat...xxoo
TanteToma, at
1/05/2006 11:41 AM
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