Prayers to St. Anthony
Many, many posts ago I mentioned that I often prayed to St. Anthony when I lost things, and I can think of very few times that it didn't work.I have lost my navy blue suit jacket and my khaki pants. My jacket is the top of my lucky interview suit, and I'm very sad about this. And my khakis are new and were the result of many of days searching for pants, so I hope I find them very soon.
I hope I'm not "wasting" my prayers, but St. Anthony is very good at helping people find lost things. You see, back before the days of the printing press, St. Anthony taught at a monastery and had a hand-written book of Psalms that he used for teaching. A young man who left the order took the book as a prank, and St. Anthony prayed every evening for the safe return of his book, which is now displayed by the order in the Franciscan friary in Bologna. It had not been long after he passed away that others started praying for him to help them find things.
The prayer, in case you forgot it:
Dear St. Tony, please come around.
Something's been lost and can't be found.
3 comment(s):
Ok not that you need to post this but I have a couple questions. First please know that I am not being sarcastic or rude I just don't know much about the Catholic faith.
Why do you pray to saints? How do you know who the saints are? Why do Catholics have statues of Mary everywhere?
one4JC, at
1/30/2006 3:39 PM
It was not easy but I did it and not very well.
Unknown, at
1/30/2006 5:33 PM
Good question. I'm gonna get a post ready just for you!!!!
Laura, at
1/30/2006 6:29 PM
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