We don't get cell service at my current office. But if you keep your phone on by your desk you can get the occasional text message or voice mail. Well, my voice mail went off (not like I'm not checking it a few times a day, just in case) and I checked it and it was about a job interview. I had a nice chat on the phone, and I've scheduled a more formal interview on Thursday. The salary is low (although slightly higher than unemployment) but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I figure if nothing else I can get a practice interview in. The important thing is that there are people who think I am qualified to do stuff and this move is the right thing to do.Anyhow, even though I'm pretty sure that this job isn't the job I'm supposed to have, it's definitely nice to know that folks look at my resume and think "Wouldn't it be nifty if SHE worked HERE?" That's a very good sign.
And honestly, if I did get this job I'd have a very flexible schedule and if I could find some freelance writing/PR gigs to help pay the bills it'd be a great way to get started with that venture. The benefits were pretty good, especially the three weeks paid vacation! Much nicer than anywhere else I've been.
Oh well, I'll keep you posted. But please keep those job-hunt prayers coming. He's listening!
3 comment(s):
Go get 'em, girl! ROCK ON!
Love ya!
TanteToma, at
1/09/2006 3:21 PM
Congrats Laura! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for ya!
Sheri, at
1/09/2006 4:02 PM
Just keeping chasing that dream Laura. It will all be fine.
Unknown, at
1/09/2006 4:26 PM
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