Seriously, there are no gay cowboys in Utah.
At least not on the big screen.I don't know if there are actual gay cowboys in Utah. If there are, they may want to move. Because the new gay cowboy movie that's all the rage, Brokeback Mountain, won't be playing in Utah. A theater in Salt Lake City abruptly changed plans to show the film.
I wonder what made them change their mind. It's not like everyone in the free world hasn't been talking about this movie and they didn't know what it was about. The scary conservative groups like the Eagle Forum are commending them saying that kids don't need to see such things. (Well, it is rated R, and I don't know many kids who'd want to see a gay cowboy movie anyhow.)
I don't see what the hub-bub is. It's a movie. I don't remember a fuss like this over that Hilary Swank movie a few years ago where she played the transgendered person. Maybe there was and I didn't realize it. It's not like bigots (especially in Utah) are a foreign concept.
It kinda reminds me of a friend I had who actually called me all in a huff about Rachel getting pregnant on "Friends" and setting a bad example. Whoa Nelly. It's a sitcom. I watch it to laugh, not to get my life's lessons. I didn't get Rachel's haircut and I'm not gonna have a baby just because she did. Entertainment is just that. It's not real life. Not that I'm not saying there aren't gay cowboys. I'm sure there are. I actually had that conversation with someone the other day. I'm just saying maybe we should take entertainment a little less seriously and allow ourselves to be entertained. Remember what happened when the vice president attacked fictional character Murphy Brown?
1 comment(s):
Well Laura you might be the only (other) person on the planet who doesn't take their real life cues from TV and other forms of entertainment!
Monique, at
1/08/2006 11:32 PM
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