Overheard today...
So, I was talking to a friend last night about selfish people. And we basically concluded two things:1. Selfish people have nothing to contribute to a relationship because although they may say they do, really they don't care about you at all.
2. Sometimes selfish people congregate together because they are the only folks who can tolerate their selfish behavior. But when push comes to shove, they will sell others up a river in a heartbeat so they can continue on their ways.
This morning I'm driving to work and I was flipping through the channels and I thought these folks were talking about something else, so I start listening. They are talking about selfish people!
This woman had called in for advice about her husband, who's very selfish. She is raising the kids and going to school full-time and she told how they use paper plates because she has no time to do dishes and her husband wouldn't even think about it, even when they were piled to the sky, and that was just one example.
What did they tell her? That selfish people seek out people with co-dependent tendencies because those are the only folks who will put up with their crap. They look for nice people who will do anything for anyone else. And they look for people who couldn't stand a sinkful of dishes or dirty laundry because then they know it will get done for them.
Their solution? That the nicer, kinder, more co-dependent person just stop taking it. Stop letting HIS dogs out, stop listening to their crap, stop doing the dishes and leave the dirty laundry on the floor. If you can stomach it, eventually they'll realize you've met your breaking point. Everyone has a breaking point and no one deserves to be taken advantage of.
It reminded me of some stuff I dug through last night. I was totally clueless that I was in the throes of a situation like this and I stood up for myself, not realizing what a mess it would cause. I guess when you are a good-hearted person, you don't realize that other people are not motivated by goodness. Looking back on it, I am embarrassed how I acted. When it all started I should've walked away and stayed away. When I first realized things were not what they appeared to be or what folks were telling me, I should've just let them go. But I had to give people the benefit of the doubt, kept believing in people's inner goodness. And just when you think it's all done, folks gnaw at you again. And when they realize you're not taking their bait, they try to take it out on your friends.
I just thought I'd post this because I know there are folks who read my blog who have totally been conned by selfish people. You deserve better. So stop picking up those socks and put your foot down.
3 comment(s):
Did it...lol...it was called a divorce...lol. Well, finally it ended in a divorce. He found a new "mom" to take care of him. I agree on all counts of a selfish person though.
maynard, at
1/09/2006 11:51 AM
We are put on this Earth with one basic instinct: Survive. But we are not told how to survive. Most of us think in order to survive we must have the approval of others; in other words everyone must love us. We go life trying to help and please others.
Others think in order to survive they must control others. It is easy to see how these two groups hook up with each other; each fulfills a need in the other.
When we realize the only approval we need is our own approval and not that of others can we break free from the control of others.
Dave Moulton, at
1/09/2006 12:11 PM
Actually, to comment on e. david moulton's post, when we realize the only approval we need is God's...then we get our own approval and no one else's matter. When we submit our lives to God's will then we can break free from the control of others.
The thing that is difficult is the part that says "turn the other cheek". This is where we need to know what our Boundaries are and stick to them not matter what.
For Example:
Being faithful in marriage is NOT a negotiable point.
Choosing not to say "yes" to everything that is asked of me.
What do you know... all that counseling is starting to pay off! LOL
one4JC, at
1/09/2006 7:06 PM
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