Notes from a roadtrip...
So now that Rosalie and I have our friendly competition going on, I don't feel like it's right to post more than one picture from the Caribbean a day, even when it's a really good one. So, I thought instead I'd get excited about Vegas.We're supposed to hear from our travel agent buddy who's planning our trip for us tomorrow, and I just can't wait. I loooovveeee Vegas. It's a blast. And let's face it, if you're with the right group of friends anywhere is fun. But put four crazy girls in Vegas, and let the good times roll. I know a long weekend is just not enough time in Vegas, but that's better than nothing. Just as long as nobody makes me go to Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill. That just sounds dumb. And I don't have to stay in the Stratosphere, which is close to NOTHING but an IHOP and a bus stop. Not that being close to an IHOP is necessarily a bad thing...

Doesn't Vegas have the best logo? It's pretty recognizable, and it SCREAMS Vegas!
Ummmpph. In a totally unrelated note, I just realized I have double-booked and I am supposed to have a hot date on the phone tomorrow night when I have to be at a meeting. No way to do both. Blech. I guess I will have to leave a voice mail and beg forgiveness. Do you ever have that happen and you feel like you are never going to connect with someone?
3 comment(s):
Love that picture, just not sure why. Hmmmm....
Unknown, at
1/09/2006 1:33 AM
Because Vegas rocks!!!
Oh, do you mean the other one? Well, I know why I love it...
Laura, at
1/09/2006 8:56 AM
Yes I meant the other one! Still trying to figure out my attraction to it.
Unknown, at
1/09/2006 11:14 AM
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