True Confessions and Reality TV...
I have another confession to make:I'm a closet Claymate.
Yep, that's right. I have always had a little thing for that fruity little blond pop star with the big voice from North Carolina. I started out watching that season of American Idol for Detroit native Josh Gracin. Once Josh got voted off, I decided to hop on the Clay Aiken bandwagon. I'd watch with my phone in hand, just waiting to call Clay's number afterward.
I loved The Real World when it came out. I once spent an entire weekend watching every episode of Sorority Life. And The Apprentice? Well, I've never fired it from my TV-watching schedule. But as for shows where folks get voted off? Where the audience participates? I've never been a huge fan. I've never watched Joe Millionaire or Survivor or The Bachelor. I've just never been into that stuff.
I decided to try it out with AI a couple of years ago. I watched Josh and he was great. Once he got voted off, I got behind Clay. And Clay got beaten out by Ruben, who in my mind was NO Clay Aiken.
So, I didn't watch AI. The whole thing really pissed me off. And then last year, I decided to watch AI again. And I liked Bo Bice. And I thought Bo Bice would win, and he got second place too. So now I watch Simon, Randy and Paula make fun of people during the open auditions and I'm pretty much done with AI. No point in getting my hopes up about a contestant, only to watch them lose after I invested several weeks watching.
Yet, I found myself curiously attracted to Dancing with the Stars. My mom is a huge sports fan, so she wanted to watch for Kenny Mayne and Jerry Rice. And while Jerry impressed us beyond belief, we both found Drew Lachey to be our favorite early on. And because so many people loved Drew, I'd keep voting for Jerry so my two favorites would make it to the end. And they did. I would've been happy either way.
But after Clay Aiken and Bo Bice, I was very nervous. I knew that Drew was the best dancer out there. I liked Jerry and Stacey, but Drew was my hands-down favorite. So I figured I'd put the American Idol Curse on him. I got very worried when they did that awesome dance last night and only got a 27 when Stacy got a 30. Seriously now.
Luckily, Drew and Cheryl were able to come off triumphant and I was a very happy TV viewer. I don't watch much TV these days, so I like to make it count. And, of course, how great was Grey's Anatomy! Wow.
I don't think I'd say my faith in reality TV is restored, simply because I have little faith in reality TV. Some of the shows are just downright demeaning. Someone will have to let me know if Dr. Travis found his "one true love" or not. Actually, just pass me his phone number when it inevitably doesn't work out. That way I don't have to fake an injury the next time I'm down by Vandy Medical Center.
One last picture of my new fake boyfriend dancing with Cheryl:

1 comment(s):
Love Law & Order -- but do we really need 3, 4 versions of it? Really? I can't keep track! I don't watch much else. And judging from the state of television in Europe, that's probably a good thing...
Laura, at
2/28/2006 8:33 AM
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