Movie snacks...
Picture it. Denniston Cinema, early 1990s. I am pretty sure I was on a date. (I'm such a freaking prize.) Anyhow, I got this brilliant idea to have some Sour Patch Kids. In fact, I ate the entire movie-theater-sized box and they were so sour I had sores in my mouth by the time I was finished. Seriously, my mouth ached like a bitch. Wooohooo, what a sexy date I was, right?Anyhow, it's been over a decade and I avoided Sour Patch Kids like the plague. I associated them with pain and trauma. I hadn't eaten them since that fateful day.
Well, when Amy and I roadtripped to Nashville a few weeks ago, guess what chewy treat she brought with her for our journey? Did you guess Sour Patch Kids? And I'm not sure why, but I decided to have a couple. And they were just as delicious as I remembered.
So tonight I went to the video store to return Walk the Line before I paid a weeks' wages for one of the kids working there, and I rented two new movies. (If you have not seen "In Her Shoes," go rent it. Now. I'm not kidding. Why are you still reading?) While I was there, I grabbed some Sour Patch Kids to eat while I was watching the movie. They're still tasty.
Of course, perhaps I didn't learn my lesson after last time. I ate the WHOLE bag ... in the car on the way home. At least their fat-free and my mouth only feels a little weird...
1 comment(s):
I was hoping you'd share your memories. It was kind of dicey back then, but nobody went there so it was almost like the VIP treatment.
Laura, at
3/12/2006 10:15 PM
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