Does anybody read these?

Thursday, March 09, 2006

So, the President wants to know what we're googling...

OK, I was going to go to bed, but I HAVE to share this.

I was just looking at my sitemeter for today, and I see that someone from stopped to visit. Back when I worked for The Congressman, meant "Executive Office of the President."

My first thought: Oh, shit. All those Dick Cheney jokes are catching up with me.

Second thought: Calm down, Laura. Probably just clicked on your profile from a comment you left over at Sparkle Pony's blog. They like the Condilicious humor there. Ok, maybe they don't like it, but they've been known to check it out.

So, rather than worry that the President or his henchmen were coming to search my house like that dude at Stanford that made the rude comment about Chelsea Clinton, I decided to click on the link and see what brought them to my humble home in the blogosphere.

Are you ready? Do you want to know what kind of major national security and domestic policy issues they are tackling at the White House today?

Someone in the Executive Office of the President googled Nick Hoffman, Kenny Chesney's oh-so-hot fiddler.

So what does the White House want with this guy?

Maybe they are giving him an award for his fiddling contributions to American society. Or maybe someone at the White House just has a thing for hot fiddlers from Minnesota. (If so, I also recommend Dan from Gretchen Wilson's band.) Oh yeah, and there's a lot more info on than there is here!

But while I have your attention, have I mentioned yet today that I'll get to see Nick and his boss and ALL his co-workers in 14 days?!?

9 comment(s):

Ok what kind of security breach did Mr. Hoffman cause? LOL!

By Blogger Unknown, at 3/09/2006 9:07 AM  

LJ's gonna get hauled away! :)

As for the 14 day thing: ME, TOO!
I am so glad I gave in to peer pressure.

By Blogger k, at 3/09/2006 9:16 AM  

Security breach!!!!! OMG is that ever NOT funny!!!!

Miss Kay if you're reading, let's show Rosalie the picture about Nick's "security breach!" But you'll have to email it again!

By Blogger Laura, at 3/09/2006 9:24 AM  

I don't think I have it anymore but I'll look when I get back from work. They're just his ugly coke pants. Who dressed him that day?!?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/09/2006 9:27 AM  

LMAO..they were looking at what?

I am proud of my hits from the DOJ and the Pentagon on my political blog..someone over there checks me out regularly.

No one's knocked on my door yet...but give them time...

By Blogger Unknown, at 3/09/2006 10:22 AM  

I think the security breach will always be as funny as Candy Farmer. LOL! I wonder a lot of days who dresses those guys. I will be anxiously waiting to see if I get to see the coke pants.

By Blogger Unknown, at 3/09/2006 12:42 PM  

If they are the ones with the ass blown out, I am hoping that NO, we don't see them.

By Blogger Laura, at 3/09/2006 1:00 PM  

I haven't found Nick's coke pants yet but I've been thinking... it's the new "The Road and the Radio" girl smokin' hot?!? I say that in a very straight kinda way.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/09/2006 9:44 PM  

Leave it to Holt to come up with something like that. My thought, 95% of the Kenny concert goers are female; right? Now why do we want to see that on a Kabookie at the show? I was thinking the same thing with the chick on Marly last year. Which by the way is probably the same girl, that would not surprise me at all. Maybe that is the real Candy Farmer!

By Blogger Unknown, at 3/10/2006 5:04 PM  

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