Just when I think it's safe to leave my little cave...
So, I've been hemming and hawing over this post. I wasn't going to say anything. But you know how people say if women didn't bitch their heads would explode? Well, that's kind of where I am right now.Some people can be real assholes. And yeah, I don't think in this particular situation it was intentional, but it broke my heart a little. And it pissed me off a lot.
I was over in KennyLand this evening. Now I should know better than to stray from my little places in the world where my friends congregate. I know that some of my readers come from there, and I'm sure that most people there mean well. Really, I do. I even think the person I'm writing about means well. Some people are scary, but you'll have that anywhere. But generally my thoughts on the message boards there are way too many dominant personalities + way too much estrogen + way too many rednecks = pure disaster.
Well, today I saw a post that seemed interesting, so I decided to snark a little with some friends. We were having a good old time. My friend Leslie and I were joking about the yellow-haired boy and life was grand. If I had to guess, I'd say a good majority of KennyLand knows I have a crush on the yellow-haired boy, but very few of them know the details. That is not a bad thing. So, that's why I can't fault this person entirely for the way I was feeling.
Anyhow, we were all just joking along and this person I don't know very well asks the girls who we're talking about. (This happens a lot. Most people are there for the "main attraction" and know little about the guys.) Anyhow, she made another comment, but it wasn't anything to ruffle my feathers. So, we are just trucking along and this other girl posts some pictures from when she met him in Chicago. And I make some comment about how cute he looks in the picture and how I'm excited to see him in 13 days (OMG, 13 days!).
Then it goes south from there. This person I've never met before asks me if I'm "for real."
I'm dense sometimes, and I ask her what she means. She comes back with, "Seriously, are you attracted to this guy?"
I calmly respond "Yes," but I'm starting to get agitated. I think I made some snide remark about people liking Keith Urban and me not getting it. Well, she didn't let up. She said something like "No, seriously, you can let me in on the joke here."
It only stopped when this girl I don't really know (the one who posted the pics and probably felt like a shit that her friend was acting like this) says, "Dude, she's gonna kick your ass. Yes, she really likes him."
I wasn't going to kick anyone's ass. But I felt very sad and angry that someone would think that it was a joke that I thought this really awesome guy was attractive, kind, funny and sweet. Why would anyone joke like that? Maybe assholes I went to high school with. And seriously, use some common sense. You know, he can go there and read that shit. So, now not only are my feelings hurt, but if he saw that his feelings are going to be hurt too. Sonuvabitch. That made me mad.
Of course, my mind raced a mile a minute. Does he know my motives are true and that I think he's perfect just the way he is? (Mark Darcy in Bridget Jones. Best. Movie. Line. Ever.) I just wonder what people think. Not that it matters. I guess I need to develop a thick skin. But I realized yesterday that for this to work, I need to distance myself from about 99% of the fans over there. This just confirmed that for me.
One of my very good friends got to hear me very sad and pissed off about this. She said to be fair to that person, there's no way for her to know that I was serious about it. But even if I wasn't. Even if it were just a harmless "celebrity" crush (which most days I still think that's all it is and all it ever will be), he's still a person with feelings and here she is saying that someone would have to be goofing to find him attractive. Have I said "asshole" yet?
And besides, it's not like I'd look at a picture of her husband and reply to her saying, "Holy shit! Why'd you marry that guy? Seriously..." That's pretty much what she did.
So, I'm pretty much done with KennyLand. I'm going back to only interacting with a few chosen people. Seriously, I've got all the friends I need. She doesn't know me; she doesn't know him and she rushed to judgment. That's why I try not to leave my little area anyhow.
I was telling one of my very good friends tonight this story, and she told me: "I'll admit it, when you first told me you liked him, I didn't get it. But you know what? I met him and he's a doll and while I'm not attracted to him, I can totally see why you are and how great you two would be together."
That's the way it should be. And I know this person was nothing more than a screenname on the Internet, but let's treat one another like people instead of computers without feelings. Wouldn't life be a lot more pleasant if everyone did that?
2 comment(s):
That did help. I just don't know why she felt the urge to vocalize that comment. Do people not open their mouths before they speak?!?
At least she didn't email your hubby or something and say "I told your wife you used to be cute." I was much more worried about him seeing it than I was about me. That's when it upset me.
Laura, at
3/10/2006 9:27 AM
HOW DARE YOU WRITE ABOUT ME!!!! LMAO!! JUST KIDDING!!!! I too am sorry that she acted that way. I don't think it was right.
Anonymous, at
3/11/2006 11:28 PM
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