Updates to follow...
Dear readers,I have arrived in Nashville, at least for this week.
I have a job interview at 1 p.m. I'm highly qualified, but a little worried about what my former employers might say. I'm going to butter them up after the interview if it goes well and I need them to say nice things.
The place I was supposed to rent is not going to work out, so I am house-hunting while I'm here. I have some fantastic leads, so hopefully I will leave without being homeless. I also have a place we will call "Plan H." I don't have plans B-G yet, but I will find them before I go there. Eeek.
I have to go to Kinko's right now to print some things off because they didn't arrive before I left Ohio and I need them for my interview. I also need shoe polish because I had to change my suit choice (thank God I had two suits in my car!)
Plenty to do, not a lot of time. More updates will follow.
In the meantime, I leave you with this thought:
Just because you don't order plantains with your dinner, the Cubans are going to give them to you, and they are going to be icky because they're just bananas with a fancy name.
1 comment(s):
Go, Girl!
Remember to affirm - "I have the job, I have the job". It really worked for me. remember, I have faith in you and feel you will get the right job for you.
I enjoy this job. Great bunch of people to play and work with.
Anonymous, at
5/12/2006 7:45 AM
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