I should've posted this yesterday...
... but I was lazy. I need to work on that.We'll start with the stuff from yesterday, then I'll add some thoughts for today.
First of all, remember the good ol' days when rich people had drivers? Let's go back to that. I went to Kroger yesterday. I happen -- completely by accident -- to live in one of Nashville's more hoity-toity neighborhoods. I noticed that on Friday afternoons (because I've never noticed it before), our Kroger has a valet. Wow. Even the very upscale grocery store Gary used to work in Detroit didn't have that. Of course, much like that grocery store, I get bad looks when I wear jeans and a t-shirt. I'm not ever getting dressed up to go grocery shopping. Y'all need to deal. But back to the parking situation. The valet was a brilliant idea. Because old, rich people can't drive. At all. They are the shittiest parkers ever. Why would ANYONE try to park a Suburban or a Lincoln Town Car in a spot that says "Compact Car Only"? Because I would've very much liked to park my cheap-ass Chevy Cavalier with its totally redneck broken windshield in one of those spots. My other favorite manuever? Where they take TWO parking spots so no one bumps their Lexus. Anyhow, have I mentioned yet today that I LOVE rich people?
Speaking of rich people from the neighborhood, my old buddy Vice President Gore had a book-signing at the mall yesterday. Of course, I didn't know this until I saw it on the news. I was devastated to miss it. It'd be nice to see him again, since I have not seen him since October, 2000. Not that he remembers me. But he and Tipper are good people or I wouldn't have helped him with his campaign. I only help good people. (Maybe that's why I'm semi-retired from politics!) Well, maybe I'll run into Al at Kroger. But he better hope two things: 1) that he drives an American car (he's a Democrat for God's sake!) and 2) that he knows how to park. He's also an environmentalist, so I'm gonna guess he drives something all good for the earth like a Honda Civic hybrid. And no, I'm not making fun of anyone. But if that anyone, who happens to live in Atlanta, were still friends with me, he'd have much fun following the life of the Veep when he came to visit me in Belle Meade. Just saying, that's all.
I went over to St. Ann's to register yesterday, but the gal who does that was out for the day. I think I can fill out a card in my pew (although I've NEVER seen them) at mass tonight OR she said I can go back Tuesday. She gave me a parish directory. It's very nice. Yay, St. Ann.
Speaking of such things, I got a beautiful Connemara marble rosary bracelet in the mail the other day. It was a total surprise. I had mentioned to one of my longest, dearest friends that when my family went to Ireland that's the rosary I wanted. Instead they brought home one with green beads with shamrocks that I do love, but it wasn't exactly what I wanted. Needless to say, I'd have appreciated this gift even if it hadn't come at a perfect time.
There have been days lately that I've totally felt like I hit my boiling point. And reality is that I probably have. I am unemployed and money is leaving the old savings account quickly. I've had a few interviews lately, but no offers yet. I had an interview Wednesday that went well. So well that I've been invited back for a second interview. However, that interview's a group interview and we all know that the most obnoxious person who dominates the conversation always wins those because they don't get to hear a word from everyone else.
So, God and I had a heart-to-heart chat last night. It was late at night. I told Him I trust Him, and I know He has a plan. But I'm starting to get worried because that plan isn't apparent to me and that isn't going to pay the bills. Right then it became clear to me that I made a commitment to Karen to help get this Ivan and Sam project into the hands of kids with cancer. And that' s going to cost $150,000. And if I start raising that money for her, I WILL have money. I don't have anything else to do, now do I. And yes, Carol had some doom and gloom and said there's a reason no one's given money yet. I firmly believe it's just because Karen hasn't asked yet. We'll see. I'm putting the feelers out this week. Because last night, at about 1 a.m. God gave me a HUGE list of places to start. So I'm going to. I'm going to do some digging and shoot an email with my plan over to Karen first thing Monday morning.
What an exciting way to spend a Saturday night!!! But seriously, it is. I am excited to help make this project happen. And seriously, it could be a huge stepping stone for my career. Wow.
Lastly, I am doing very well on the diet. OK, not great on the diet. Yesterday I had a pint of Purity Caramel Pie ice cream (it was on sale at Kroger; 10 pints for $10!) for dinner. That wasn't a good idea. BUT I have been going for a run/walk thing everyday. At least 2 miles. My pants all fit better. Yay, me!!!! Sometimes I take the dog who lives here, Dawson, with me. He's just a puppy, so I think I get a better workout when he comes.
Last night when we got back to West End and Bowling, there were a whole bunch of Orthodox Jews leaving the temple there and we had to follow some of them. I am pretty sure at one point this younger, slightly more progressive bloke was hitting on me just a little. Very interesting. I'm just glad Dawson didn't try to sniff any of their asses.
I'm not going to lie to anyone. It's hotter than a bitch here most of the time. But I love it. Even though I end up so drenched in sweat that my roommate asks me if it's still raining, nothing can compare with the smell of magnolia blossoms on your evening run.
Song of the Day: "Sweet Southern Comfort" by Buddy Jewel.
2 comment(s):
I was through your area twice last week. Going south on Fathers Day then back north Tuesday night. I was just into Kentucky on Tuesday night - Friday morning. I was ready to continue north homebound when the temp reach 100 by noon on Thursday. And you can keep the traffic around there as well..LOL, at least all of the congestion was not in my direction both ways. GLad you are enjoying it though.
maynard, at
6/25/2006 7:47 PM
So was he hitting on you like the black gay guy in the store was? =0)
Anonymous, at
6/26/2006 10:05 AM
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