Venting helps...
I feel much better now. I also feel better that someone bought the extra tickets and I think that everyone is accounted for. And some lucky young man is going to have a very happy girlfriend on his hands. Lucky for him!!!The interview went well today. Basically this gal was very optimistic that she'll be able to place me in at least something temporary, but has a few permanant things in the cooker too.
I have that second interview on Wednesday. It's a group interview, so I'm just not sure how that'll work out for me. We'll see...
Did I tell y'all what Fr. Breen said on Sunday about trusting God? He said that the reason people have so much trouble trusting God is because of all the times that they've been burned by people whom they've trusted. How sad is that, really? I guess I can relate to that. Everything that went on the last few days is just part of it. Somedays I hate that there are certain folks who ruin it for everyone that follows them.
Just today I got an anonymous comment on my blog from someone who said they were praying for me and that they liked my blog. And because of all the trouble I've had with anonymous comments in the past, instead of taking the words at face value, I wondered if there were something behind it. I just still can't bring myself to publish anonymous comments. I hate it, but I have to stick with my policy. At the same time I hate the thought of forcing folks to register for blogger either. And I really don't want to shut the comments off like I had to several months ago. Hell, I've made some really great friends from folks leaving comments on my blog. I'm sure I'll figure it out. The comment moderation does seem to help, but every once in a while something just doesn't sit right with something that's said. And, of course, I guess I feel like because I'm out here with my name on all my thoughts and feelings, it's the least the commenters can do.
1 comment(s):
Fingers crossed and praying that you get something soon!
Unknown, at
7/06/2006 8:56 AM
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