Sometimes God's a little sneaky...
I don't know Bev. I haven't really read much of her blog yet, but I think she's extremely cool. Why? Because I stumbled upon her in the comments of someone else's blog. You see, today when I was reading Anne's blog, which I do everyday, I saw a comment by Okie, and decided to check out his blog. (Are you still following?) Anyhow, Okie's latest post was simply a Bible verse. (Matthew 7:2, for those keeping score at home.) For some reason (the reason will become apparent very soon), I read the comments on that post.And Bev, in the spirit of posting Bible verses, contributed Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope.
So, I was completely inspired by that verse. Not wanting to steal from Bev, I hopped on over to the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishop's Web site where they have the entire Bible posted for our quick viewing pleasure. I read a little more of Jeremiah 29, which I have posted for all of my loyal readers.
- 12
- When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you.
- 13
- When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart,
- 14
- you will find me with you, says the LORD, and I will change your lot
Sometimes when I pray, I just sit there with my Bible in my hand and concentrate on the issues in my life, and then open the Bible up to wherever and read. Sometimes this works and I find a verse that fits the situation. However, other times I get Sirach begat Melchizedech who begat blah blah blah (and YES, I know that's not a real verse. Sirach, I'm sure did NOT begat Melchizedech. It's just an example. ) And then there are other times, like today, when I am just trying to catch up on reading blogs when God tosses me a softball and doesn't make me work quite so hard for his wisdom.
Anyhow, this is my verse for the day.
And while I haven't really dived into Bev and Okie's blogs, I read Anne's everyday. She's amazing. Give them all a looksie if you'd like.
Just don't be a dick if you don't want to be Anne's Internet friend. It's rude and it makes her sad. (And after reading that post, I wonder exactly what some other bloggers think about me, too. Hmmm. Not like I care, but interesting to ponder.)
3 comment(s):
Im so glad that I was a part of that blog chain :)
You are such a one could think bad of you..
Thanks made me smile today..
Kelli, at
6/28/2006 8:15 PM
Sometimes I also just randomly open my Bible to whatever page and point to a verse and see if it applies to my situation.
The verse I posted on okie's blog is my favorite. I have it written on sticky note at my office. It's a nice little reminder that God is in control and has good things in store for me.
bevy, at
6/30/2006 10:40 AM
Welcome, Nanci. Don't y'all love how this whole Internet thing is so interconnected.
I get to meet Sheri in real life in September, and I'm on the edge of my chair!!!
Laura, at
6/30/2006 1:46 PM
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