Not to sound bitchy, but...
OK, we all know that no good can come from that phrase. Because no matter what the person says, it's going to sound bitchy."Not trying to sound bitchy, but you're a little bit of a slut."
"Not trying to sound bitchy, but your ass looks huge in those pants."
Or my new favorite.
"Not trying to sound bitchy, but we all have money problems. Join the club."
I am a worry-wart and I'm quite panicked about not having a job, but I'm not one to bitch and moan about money. I don't have a lot left at this point and I'm quite worried that I'm going to end up living in a homeless shelter soon, but I guess that I haven't been whining about it enough.
Not trying to sound bitchy, but I'm guessing that the person who told me to join the club never has been or probably never will be in the club I'm in right now.
Buckle up, boys and girls, you're in for a ride. I'm about to let you in on the whole sordid affair. And then I'll stop bitching about it. Unless you tell me something retarded like you have the same money problems as me when you're single, live with your parents, have a full-time job and health insurance. Because not to sound bitchy, but you don't.
Yes, I moved out on my own when I lived with my parents. But there were no jobs there and there are jobs here. Unfortunately I don't yet have one, but allegedly they're here.
I have three weeks of unemployment and $680 in the bank. My rent's due this week. My car payment is about 25 days past-due and I haven't updated my address with them because I don't want them to know where I live so they can't repo my car.
Needless to say, my financial situation is quite precarious. I have student loans, car payments, light bills, insurance, rent. Real, live grown-up bills. And in three weeks, I won't have a dime to pay any of them. And yes, I'm scared shitless.
It's not hopeless. I have two interviews this week and I haven't exhausted every lead I have. But I just don't want to hear about money problems from someone who knows where they'll be living August 1st, who isn't worried about General Motors taking their car back and whose mama is still going to put a meal on the table for them if they are suddenly broke. You don't get it. You're not in my club.
There are a lot of things I could do with $90. It sure as hell isn't having any fun. The only place I went all weekend was church because I can't afford to pay attention. Yes, I'm going to a concert next weekend because a friend who owed me $90 bought my ticket. I have no idea how I'm going to pay for all the merriment my friends have planned. I suspect I'll be the girl with an ice water all night.
The $90 that I got screwed out of could've paid my electric bill and my insurance for one month. It could've bought 3 weeks of groceries. It could've paid for the gas to visit my parents who I miss dreadfully.
Yes, I've chosen this life, but when it isn't working out exactly how I'd like it to, I need my friends to support me not make my life more stressful.
And, for the record, starting a sentence out with "I'm sorry" instead of "Not to sound bitchy, but..." would've done a lot more to salvage our friendship.
Don't make it sound like my fault. My only fault was trusting a friend and believing that "I'll pay you when I get to town" didn't mean "I'll pay you when I get to town unless I can get a cheaper ticket from someone else."
I just wish that the lesson I'd learned had only been about $90... True friendship doesn't have a price tag.
3 comment(s):
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Anonymous, at
7/03/2006 6:05 AM
Hey all, I do appreciate the comments, especially when folks say that they're praying for me. Unfortunately, I just can't publish comments when I don't know who leaves them because of some stuff from the past. If you sign your name or I can somehow tell I know who the person is then I can publish it. Don't take it personally, but basically a few bad apples have spoiled it for the whole bunch :-(
Laura, at
7/03/2006 8:20 PM
I hope things look up for you soon. Take care! I miss you and your optimistic self!
Unknown, at
7/06/2006 8:53 AM
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