I know y'all have been looking for me. I haven't really gone anywhere.OK, that's a lie. I've been lots of places in the last ten days or so...
Oh, adventures.
I went to Detroit to see one of my best friends from high school and the Pretty Princess happened to be there. His trusty side-kick looked fantastic, and a good time was had by all.
My friend Alexis from Chicago rode back to Nashville with me. On Monday, she and my roommate rescued a dog who ended up not being a stray, but just a dog with shitty owners. But the dog was cute. Tuesday I took her to Lynchburg and a good time was had by all.
However, it was Wednesday where she really got intimate with Mr. Jack Daniel. We picked Kay up at the airport around 4 (the road to the airport was closed because the delightful leader of our nation stopped to raise money for his crappy friends on our taxpayers' dimes. Yay!). Anyhoo, earlier in the day Alexis had gotten the brilliant idea to go to this haunted tavern tour, so we picked Kay up and off to downtown to learn about the ghosts in Nashville.
It was fun, and we walked through a cold spot that's allegedly the ghost of a woman whose husband knocked her down the stairs. We also won the trivia contest and got free shot glasses.
Then we somehow ended up at Legends, where we shot the shit with my Sunday-morning troubadour, who happens to work the door there. Alexis made friends with the bartender and drank 8 Jack and Cokes, bought a drink for both me and Kay and spent a whopping $18. (How's that work? Maybe I should run a tab more often!)
Of course, all good drinking expeditions end up at Waffle House at about 3:30 a.m. And then we went back to my house so Alexis could pack and we could take her to the airport.
Thursday night we learned that "Let's just go get one drink" is a big, fat lie. And never, ever trust a boy in a band. (Seriously, couldn't that have been our motto for years now?!)
I took Kay to Indianapolis on my way to Chicago and then I was off to meet Jenn and Laura for the final round in KennyLand. I know everyone keeps laughing, but I think it's time to retire. Chicago was fun, if only to watch very Southern people be fascinated with things like White Castles and traffic. We had fun at the show, and for the third time last week, I realized that perhaps I'm not completely repulsive to all men, which was a nice little self-esteem boost.
And then it was back to Indy for my last show at least for this year, perhaps forever. We will see.
I was very excited about this show because I got to meet some of my IIFs who've been planning to go with me for months. I guess they aren't Imaginary Internet Friends anymore now, are they? Although I probably significantly scared them into not wanting to be my real friends either. I think they had fun, but I got a little emotional with the tour being over and all. It was really sad to think that it's all done for the year. Oh and I drank in a way that I hadn't drunk in quite a while. Honestly, girls, I'm much less insane when I'm sober. Much.
But liquid courage is a beautiful thing. And I had plenty of it. And fun was had by all. The show was fantastic. It was nice to meet new friends. It was hard to say goodbye to old ones. There were lots of goodbyes last night. I'm not a huge fan of goodbyes.
So, tomorrow it's back to reality. And reality sucks. It was very nice to have that two hours of not having any problems and just getting a little mini-vacation with the Caribbean Cowboy. Now, I sit here all sobered up and realize that tomorrow I go back to my shitty job and looking for a less shitty job. I just wish my luck would change.
However, if I learned nothing else between my pep talks from Colleen (who is an amazing woman!) and little Miss Carrie Underwood is that I need to let Jesus Take the Wheel.
I know God is going to provide for me. I trust him. So I just have to put it all in his hands and see what happens.
And I'm hoping he's slightly more competent than roadies and minimum-wage security guards, because putting it in their hands hasn't worked so much...
1 comment(s):
wow girl...you are having fun! Im jealous!
Kelli, at
9/04/2006 11:08 PM
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