Jury duty and the best breakfast
I am an odd bird. I have always wanted to get called for jury duty. It's my civic duty. I was pre-law in college; I believe the system works and I would love to be a part of it.So, my mom calls me today. I've been called not only for jury duty, but to sit on the grand jury. That's even more fun!
Unfortunately, I am 443 miles away from the court. So I can get out of it if I want to.
Everyone else would be super-excited to have a very easy reason to avoid jury duty. Not me. I'm pissed that I have to miss it. There's just no way I can swing it because they don't give me a date to report, so I don't know if I can adjust my travel/work schedule to accommodate it.
Today I had to work at 7 a.m. I hate mornings. I am not particularly pleasant before about 8:55, for those keeping score at home. Coffee helps, though.
When you go to work at 7 a.m., you get to go to lunch at 10 a.m. So really it's breakfast.
There's a Wild Oats next door to work, so I went over there to see what I could wrangle up. (I mistakenly thought that it'd be cheaper than a restaurant. Ha ha.)
I changed my mind 20 million times, but it was made up when I found my absolute favorite breakfast food ever: a chocolate croissant.
When I was in France, I didn't speak any French. I was on my own during the days a lot and responsible for finding my own meals. I quickly learned "pain au chocolate" or "chocolate bread." So I found a bakery in every small town and ordered my chocolate croissant. I quickly fell in love with them, although they aren't particularly easy to find here in The States.
Will I be buying them at Wild Oats? Well, they cost $2.49 each, which is a bit steep. And aside from being remarkably fresh, it wasn't one of the better ones I had. Really, I got a better one at the bakery at a BP station once.
But it's nice to know where to find one when I want one.
And seriously if someone ever wanted to impress me, they could just show up with a chocolate croissant and a cup of coffee, and I'd be happy forever.
2 comment(s):
Um you can do jury duty for me. I got called THE SAME WEEK that Doctor Vinny will be here from NYC! And, I've already gotten out of it once this year, for a trip to Florida. Totally blows. Yes it's my civic duty, but I don't want to do it when the good doctor is in town...
And by the way, you were dead-on-balls about the Galt House. This hotel is riDUNKulous! I love it! 14th floor executive suite, overlooking the Ohio River. Wish you were here...love you!! xxoo
TanteToma, at
8/13/2006 10:36 PM
I was on a jury once and I loved it! I would go again in a heartbeat. Stinks that you have to miss it.
Okay..that does it..next time I drive through Nashville on my way to Knoxville Im stopping and bringing you chocolate-y goodness.
Kelli, at
8/20/2006 8:05 AM
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