356 days!!!
I just felt like posting a picture of Cruz Bay. Only 356 days until we're all living large on the beach.I was talking to some of my friends last night and I explained that the agenda will work a little something like this.
Day One:
1. Wake up.
2. Run on the beach.
3. Swim in pool.
4. Go to beach with rum and Marley and Buffett in the ipod.
5. Eat something, preferably seafood.
6. Go to bar and finish drinking self into oblivion.
7. Sleep.
8. Days 2-7: Repeat steps 1-7.
So, here's the picture.

9 comment(s):
Lj, No one is stalking you. I personally come to read what you say about me. Not that it matters but just curious about your limitations of the english language. It seems if you arent ridiculing someone, its sort of bland.
I do find it repulsive that someone makes an overture to you to try and stabilize some of the bitterness, that your only consideration for that person was to mock them and subject them to your ridicule.
It doesnt matter to me how much you ridicule me........I can accept it or ignore it. I just swat it away.
What you did to your ex friend should show all your playmates just how vicious you can be.
Look inside, girl. I really hope you do. It hurts to fall off the wall.
Its called karma. ...Karma doesnt play favorites.
I will pop in here as long as it is not private. Isnt that what this kind of thing is about?
No one is bothering you but you keep the old pot boiling and then blame others.
Have fun, girl.
Its gonna cost ya!
Anonymous, at
10/24/2006 8:58 AM
Well, I guess you do have a right to come here. That's fine. What pisses me off is everyone trying to twist what's said here against me. You know, like what y'all did on Andrea's board.
I'd also like to point out that I was not the one who ended any friendships. Unless part of being y'all's friend means that I have to sit there and be spoon-fed lies and BS all day.
I have looked inside, outside and upside-down. I'm not bitter toward any of you. Honest to God, I wish you all healing. I am a great place in my life and I don't even think about you. So what's that say about you that you're here all the time (you less than others, I'll admit)?
Yeah, lately I've ridiculed just a little, because I've been provoked. Mostly I don't poke fun, I just tell the truth. But all things considered, I can see how you think that might be making fun.
Oh, and I was just WAITING for Cindy to turn the whole dinner thing against me. Thank you once again for proving me right.
Laura, at
10/24/2006 10:05 AM
Some people are so pathetic Lj....they just cant leave well enough alone. And move on. It just goes to show that there really is nothing in their life for them to be more invloved with. You shoul feel flattered that so much of their time is spent thinking about you!! You they must really care about you to always be monitoring what you are saying....its hard being famous I know!!
Love ya!
Anonymous, at
10/24/2006 11:19 AM
In response to what may or may not have been said on Andreas board( The way that info was obtained was invasive and you know what I mean) was the truth. You know what I said was the truth as you remember our original confrontation.No point in rehashing.
I check in here maybe once a week. I really dont care what you say. I have said things TO you on our site. It is your right, but it was never lies. Tell me ONE lie I have told to anyone about you? Just one?
My ire comes when I feel that friends are unjustly attacked. The truth doesnt bother me at all.
Since you have called Cindy by name, I will say she did not deserve the mockery you spouted at her. She was sincere. She was the one person who believed in you longer than anyone else. She was your friend and still hoped that things could be worked out with you.
You blew her off like a piece of dust.That is what I find repulsive.
You are entitled to your opinions.
We all are and no one knows what really happened except those involved.
I have NOT lied about you in any form. You know that. I have said some snarky things because you have mocked people I care about. I dont apologize for that.
Jamie, you dont know anything! You werent there. Only the ones involved know what happened.
Also, I dont wish you bad. No need to. Life is the equalizer. The mills of the Gods grind slowly but they grind surely.
As I said, it doesnt bother me at all what you throw at me. I do have a life and a darn good one.
Hopefully, I have not twisted anything you say here. If I have, Shame on me.
It all just needs to stop. Its making all involved a little less than human. ALL! Myself included.
What the hell is it all for, anyway?
P.S. For reasons I cant figure, she still cares about you.You knew her first and best.Think on that one.
Anonymous, at
10/25/2006 7:39 AM
OK, I'm not all about having a comment war on my blog, so I'll leave it at this.
If you don't care what I have to say, then why come here? I don't care if you do, but think long and hard about that. What's the point? I don't know what you say on your board because I don't care, so I don't care there.
Shirley, I was involved and I'm still not sure what happened. Do you all even understand how much you all hurt me? Obviously not. And even though I was treated like shit, it was still the hardest thing that I ever did to walk away. I had no choice, but it still broke my heart. I realize now that I went about it the wrong way, but seeing Cindy again would've just dredged it all up. And I just had to put it on a shelf and walk away.
Otherwise we'll all be doing this for the rest of our lives. We were all wrong in some ways; we were all right in others. Seriously, let's just all move the hell on...
Laura, at
10/25/2006 11:02 AM
Oh, and P.S. If you have anything else to say in this matter, my e-mail address hasn't changed.
Laura, at
10/25/2006 11:03 AM
Uhhh...I am well aware that I dont know the whole story but I do know that Laura is my friend and I have talked to her when she is very upset because you all will not leave her alone and she wishes you would just move on so she could too. There is no point in keeping this going. My only interest in it is for Laura Jo. I see no reason for this to be drug up all the time. There is no reason for any of you to visit her blog if you dont care what she is writing about. You obviously care or you wouldnt have responded. Here is the deal. I am going to pray for all of you tonight. I will pray that you find the strength to move past this and forget. Its a friendship that wasnt meant to last.
Anonymous, at
10/25/2006 11:13 AM
"Anonymous" wrote:
In response to what may or may not have been said on Andreas board( The way that info was obtained was invasive and you know what I mean) was the truth.
Not trying to dredge up an old argument, but I've been out of town and am just now getting caught up on the blogs I read daily. Since I'm Andrea and me and my board were mentioned by Ms. Anonymous, I'd sure like to know what the info in question is and just what those "invasive" means were that it was obtained by.
Somehow I doubt either of those questions will be answered, though, as all the not-so-anonymous people are more interested in spreading half-truths and thinly-veiled insults rather than actual facts and issues. As long as that's what you're interested in, I'm respectuflly but firmly demanding that you and your buddies (like that orange veggie) leave my forum alone.
Unknown, at
11/02/2006 11:26 PM
Welcome back, Andrea.
I didn't actually understand what Shirley meant by that, but my best guess is this.
I think she's making a thinly veiled accusation that I befriended her pal just to hear all about her dazzling, exciting rock star boyfriend and tell everyone else about it so that I could be a superstar.
Of course, I rarely repeat what was said because all people really think is that I'm a nutto just like them.
Oh, did you notice that I STILL haven't ever said her name? If I were so hell-bent on ruining someone's fantastic life, I probably would've done that, eh?
Laura, at
11/02/2006 11:44 PM
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